博士毕业院校: 英国帝国理工学院
电话: 021-20684447
办公室: 信息学院1D-201E室
专业方向: 控制理论与控制工程
研究方向: 控制理论与控制工程,流体交互式非线性系统建模与控制,仿生机器人运动控制,自适应控制,Sim2Real,主动降噪控制,输出调节器设计

Multi-Agent & Intelligent Control Lab

Welcome to the Multi-Agent & Intelligent Control (MAgIC) Lab. MAgIC Lab was founded in September 2020 and is located in Room 1D-208A of ShanghaiTech Automation and Robotics (STAR) Center, School of Information Science and Technology (SIST), ShanghaiTech University, Shanghai, China. Our lab focuses on the advanced control theory for multi-agent systems, including adaptive control, intelligent control and data-driven control, and their practical applications on UAVs, bionic robots, manipulators and active noise attenuation. We welcome anyone interested in MAgIC Lab.

Prof. Yang Wang is an assistant professor at ShanghaiTech University. She received her Ph.D. at Imperial College London in 2019 and founded the MAgIC Lab in 2020.

  • 姓名:张恒
  • 姓名:林霄竹
  • 姓名:龚逸洲
    研究方向:自适应控制 输出调节 观测器设计
  • 姓名:何炳霖
  • 姓名:李新龙
  • 姓名:赵宇航
  • 姓名:马钦潇
    研究方向:无人机建模 扑翼飞行器气动效应分析与优化设计 无人机状态预测系统
  • 姓名:黄旭
    邮箱: huangxu2024@shanghaitech.edu.cn
  • 姓名:姬晨阳
  • 姓名:戴鸿儒
    研究方向:机器鱼在流体环境中的行为与控制 人工侧线系统(ALLS)感知流速
  • 姓名:张馨月
  • 姓名:范奕成
    邮箱: fanych1@shanghaitech.edu.cn

My research journey spans over the robotic systems and control theory, with a primary focus on systems where agents interact with complex fluidic environments. This dynamic interaction manifests in scenarios ranging from robotic fish navigating water environments to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) navigating wind fields and even noise compensators operating in intricate acoustic landscapes. Research on robots interacting with complex fluidic environments, such as Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUVs) and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), is of paramount significance due to its multifaceted impact. It facilitates environmental monitoring, resource exploration, and management, offering crucial insights into aquatic and aerial ecosystems. These robots play pivotal roles in search and rescue operations, defense, surveillance, and infrastructure maintenance, reducing human risk and enhancing efficiency in challenging environments. Furthermore, this research contributes to fundamental scientific knowledge in fluid dynamics, aerodynamics, robotics and control theory, driving technological innovation with applications spanning multiple industries. 


My overarching objective is to construct a versatile and comprehensive framework for modeling and controlling realistic systems concerning with complex fluidic environments. The distinctive challenge in this pursuit arises from the inherent characteristics of these systems. Their governing equations are not only high-dimensional but also nonlinear and time-varying, presenting formidable hurdles in obtaining corresponding control policies. Nevertheless, my research endeavors have remained steadfast in tackling these challenges through dedicated efforts in modeling, observation, and control methodologies. 


In pursuit of my research objectives, I intend to synergistically employ methodologies encompassing dimensionality reduction, sparse sensing techniques, and machine learning paradigms. My aim is to leverage these tools for data-driven exploration and control of intricate dynamical systems. Furthermore, my research efforts entail the development of adaptive control strategies within an equation-free framework, capitalizing on data-driven approaches. Notably, the scope of my investigations encompasses applications rooted in fluid dynamics, including the domain of near-ground flight control, dynamic modeling and motion control of biomimetic fish-like robots, and the realm of active noise control.


Introduction of Control

The course Introduction to Control provides an overview of control systems. We cover scalar models as well as single-input-single-output (SISO) systems and basic concepts of linear control system design including PID control. Towards the end of the lecture we touch basic ideas of modern controller design based on optimization including the linear-quadratic regulator, a famous controller that can be used to design closed-loop feedback gains for multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) systems. Moreover, all students will learn how to use the theory of this lecture in practical applications. We will discuss a large number of application problems and the students will use at least one programming language to simulate and design control systems. Active participation in numerous smaller and bigger programming projects is required. The course is highly recommended for all students in the field of engineering, mathematics, physics, and computer science, who want to develop a basic understanding of control. The course is mandatory for everyone who wants to work in electrical or electronic engineering, circuit design, robotics, signal processing, network algorithms, and optimal control.


Adaptive Control

This course provides a rigorous introduction to the theory and methodology used in the field of adaptive control. Concepts are presented in the context of uncertain systems, addressing issues such as uncertainty of model, disturbance rejection and partial measurements. The techniques taught in this course considered advanced in the field of modern control theory and can also be used in the area of system identification and signal processing. The course is highly recommended for all students in the field of engineering, mathematics, physics, and computer science, who want to develop an advanced understanding of control. It founds various applications in electrical or electronic engineering, mechiniacal engineering, robotics, signal processing, artificial intelligence and so on.


Nonlinear Control

As is well known, many control systems are nonlinear, especially in fields such as robot control, aircraft flight control systems, and helicopter flight control systems. Research on nonlinear control systems has a history of nearly a century since the birth of control theory. Due to the potentially richer and more complex characteristics of nonlinear control systems compared to linear systems, and the fact that, except for some special cases, most mathematical equations describing nonlinear systems cannot obtain closed-form or analytical solutions, efforts have long been focused not on finding direct analytical solutions but on studying some qualitative properties of the systems. For example, significant achievements have been made in the study of stability. Notably, the Lyapunov method, phase plane method suitable for analyzing low-order systems, and describing function method have been developed. However, the problems solved in the aggregate are limited, with many fundamental issues remaining unresolved, some only serving as a starting point, and others still blank, far from meeting the needs of engineering technology and other fields.

Nonlinear Control is an advanced course in the field of automatic control theory. It mainly introduces the characteristics and research methods of nonlinear systems, enabling students to master classical stability analysis methods such as describing function method and phase plane method, as well as the breakthroughs in the theory of nonlinear control systems in the past 20 years using differential geometric methods. This course aims to enhance students' ability to solve nonlinear systems. Through studying this course, students will grasp the basic knowledge of engineering mathematics, such as the characteristics of nonlinear systems and classical stability analysis methods, and cultivate the ability to apply them to practical engineering systems.



  • 1. Heng Zhang;Yang Wang;#, Adaptive neural network control of an uncertain robotic manipulator with input constraint and external disturbance, PROCEEDINGS OF 2021 IEEE 10TH DATA DRIVEN CONTROL AND LEARNING SYSTEMS CONFERENCE, DDCLS 2021, 14 May 2021, 1302-1308
  • 2. Yang Wang;Yong Nie;Pan Qi;Na Zhang;Chaofeng Ye;#, Inspection of Defect Under Thick Insulation Based on Magnetic Imaging With TMR Array Sensors, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, 01 Mar 2022, 58(3)
  • 3. He, Guanqi;Wang, Yang;Pin, Gilberto;Serrani, Andrea;Parisini, Thomas;#, Switching-based Adaptive Output Regulation for Uncertain Systems Affected by a Periodic Disturbance, 2022 AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE (ACC), 10 Jun 2022,
  • 4. Chaofeng Ye;Yang Wang;Yu Tao;#, High-Density Large-Scale TMR Sensor Array for Magnetic Field Imaging, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, Jul 2019, 68(7):2594-2601
  • 5. Yizhou Gong;Linyan Lu;Yang Wang;#, Unknown Input Observer-based Finite-time Frequency Estimator for a Biased Multi-sinusoidal Signal, PROCEEDINGS - 2022 CHINESE AUTOMATION CONGRESS, CAC 2022, 2022, 2022-January:3036-3041
  • 6. Binglin He;Yang Wang;Yunzhuo Wang;#, Modular Design of Combined Integrating Controller Based on OPTO22, PROCEEDINGS - 2022 CHINESE AUTOMATION CONGRESS, CAC 2022, 2022, 2022-January:3053-3059
  • 7. Yang Wang;Chaofeng Ye;Meiling Wang;#, Synthetic Magnetic Field Imaging with Triangle Excitation Coil for Inspection of Any Orientation Defect, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, Feb 2020, 69(2):533-541
  • 8. Yexin Zhang;Jiaqi Li;Yuyu Jia;Teng Li;Yang Wang;David C. Jeong;Hu Su;Song Liu;#, Noncontact Particle Manipulation on Water Surface with Ultrasonic Phased Array System and Microscopic Vision, PROCEEDINGS - IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION, 2023, 2023-May:5459-5465
  • 9. Pan, Yuqi;He, Binglin;Geng, Junyi;Wang, Yang;#, Decentralized Formation Control with Prescribed Distance Constraints and Shape Uniqueness, PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE, 2023, 2023-May:1345-1352
  • 10. Liu, Chengyuan;Wang, Yang;Mo, Fan;Li, Xuefang;Jiang, Jingjing;#, Active Lane Change for Safety Enhanced Autonomous Driving, 2023 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AUTOMATION, CONTROL AND ROBOTS (ICACR), 26 Aug 2023, 180-184
  • 11. Zhang, Heng;Fu, Xiang;Liu, Song;Wang, Yang;#, Iterative Learning Embedded Composite Model Reference Adaptive Control for Off-Axis In-Situ Rotation in Nanorobotic Manipulation, IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS LETTERS, 2024, 8:291-296
  • 12. Zhang, Qilong;He, Binglin;Zhao, Yangyang;Liu, Song;Wang, Yang;#, Enhancing Convergence Speed of Multi-Agent Formation Control via Laplacian Functions, 2023 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND BIOMIMETICS (ROBIO), 09 Nov 2023,
  • 13. Lin, Xiaozhu;Song, Wenbin;Liu, Xiaopei;He, Xuming;Wang, Yang;#, Exploring Learning-Based Control Policy for Fish-Like Robots in Altered Background Flows, 2023 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS (IROS), 05 Oct 2023, 2338-2345
  • 14. Zhang, Heng;Zhang, Qilong;Liu, Song;Wang, Yang;#, Iterative Learning Embedded Model Reference Adaptive Control for Perturbed Nonlinear MIMO Systems, 2023 62ND IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL (CDC), 15 Dec 2023, 5618-5624
  • 15. Xu, Jiangkun;Liu, Song;Jia, Jia;Wang, Yang;#, Robust Output Regulation for Uncertain Discrete-Time Linear Systems under the Effect of a Sinusoidal Disturbance, IFAC-PAPERSONLINE, 01 Jul 2023, 56(2):2895-2902
  • 16. Gong, Yizhou;Zhu, Fanglai;Wang, Yang;#, Robust output regulation for uncertain nonlinear minimum phase systems under unknown control direction, SYSTEMS AND CONTROL LETTERS, Mar 2024, 185
  • 17. Qinxiao Ma;Yizhou Gong;Yang Wang;#, Adaptive Output Regulation for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems: an Additive Decomposition-based Method, 2023 CHINA AUTOMATION CONGRESS (CAC), Nov 2023, 980-985
  • 18. Gong, Yizhou;Zhu, Fanglai;Wang, Yang;#, Robust output regulation of a class of uncertain nonlinear minimum phase systems perturbed by unknown external disturbances, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CONTROL, May 2024, 77
  • 19. Zhao, Yangyang;Zhang, Heng;Liu, Xiaopei;Wang, Yang;#, Iteration Learning Control for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems with Time-Varying Output Constraint, IFAC-PAPERSONLINE, 01 Jul 2023, 56(2):11867-11873
  • 20. Gong, Yizhou;Zhu, Fanglai;Wang, Yang;#, Robust Output Regulation for Uncertain Linear Minimum Phase Systems under Unknown Control Direction, IFAC-PAPERSONLINE, 01 Jul 2023, 56(2):4563-4569
  • 21. Zhang, Heng;Zhao, Yangyang;Wang, Yang;Liu, Lin;#, Adaptive neural network control of robotic manipulators with input constraints and without velocity measurements, IET CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, 2024, 18(10):1232-1247
  • 22. Zhu, Fanglai;Zhang, Jiancheng;Guo, Shenghui;Wang, Yang;Serrani, Andrea;#, Joint unknown input observer for descriptor system based on interval observer, ISA TRANSACTIONS, 2024, 151:153-163
  • 23. Kefei Wu;Xuming He;Yang Wang;Xiaopei Liu;#, Multi-Level Progressive Reinforcement Learning for Control Policy in Physical Simulations, 2024 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION (ICRA), 17 May 2024, 9502-9508
  • 24. Meiling Wang;Yang Wang;Lei Peng;Chaofeng Ye;#, Measurement of Triaxial Magnetocardiography Using High Sensitivity Tunnel Magnetoresistance Sensor, IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, Nov 2019, 19(21):9610-9615
  • 25. Gong,Yizhou;Pin,Gilberto;Wang,Yang;#, A Novel Parameter-dependent Input Normalization-based Direct MRAC with Unknown Control Direction, 2024 63TH IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL (CDC), 2024,
  • 26. Pin,Gilberto;Gong,Yizhou;Wang,Yang;Serrani,Andrea;#, Parameter Identification in Linear Error Equations: Guaranteeing Output Error Boundedness, 2024 63TH IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL (CDC), 24 Jul 2024,
  • 27. Zhou XC(周宣辰);Lv CY(吕超阳);Wang Y(汪阳);Liu XP(刘晓培);#, A data-driven approach for modeling open domain in computational fluid dynamics, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (PNAS), 2025,
  • 28. Fu, Xinyi;Bai, Kai;Wang, Yang;Liu, Xiaopei;#, Lattice Boltzmann Fluid Solver with Symmetric, Conservative and Equilibrium-Preserving Neural Collision Operator, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS, 2025,
  • 29. Yizhou Gong;Yang Wang;#, A Novel Plug-and-Play Cooperative Disturbance Compensator for Heterogeneous Uncertain Linear Multi-Agent Systems, IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS LETTERS, 2024, PP(99)
  • 30. Yang Wang, G. Pin, Andrea Serrani*, and Thomas Parisini#, Removing SPR-Like Conditions in Adaptive Feedforward Control of Uncertain Systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, June 2020, vol. 65, no. 6, pp. 2309-2324
  • 31. Yang Wang, Jing Yao, and Guanrong Chen#, An Evolving Super-Network Model with Inter-Vehicle Communications, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2018,
  • 32. Gilberto Pin, Yang Wang, Boli Chen, and Thomas Parisini*#, Identification of Multi-Sinusoidal Signals with Direct Frequency Estimation: An Adaptive Observer Approach, Automatica, 2019, Volume 99, 2019, pp. 338-345
  • 33. Heng Zhang, Xiang Fu, Song Liu*, and Yang Wang*#, Iterative Learning Embedded Composite Model Reference Adaptive Control for Off-Axis In-Situ Rotation in Nanorobotic Manipulation, IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2024, vol. 8, pp. 291-296
  • 34. Yizhou Gong, Fanglai Zhu, and Yang Wang*#, Robust Output Regulation for Uncertain Nonlinear Minimum Phase Systems under Unknown Control Direction, Systems & Control Letters, 2024, Volume 185
  • 35. Heng Zhang, Yangyang Zhao, Lin Liu, and Yang Wang*#, Adaptive neural network control of robotic manipulators with input constraints and without velocity measurements, IET Control Theory Appl, 2024, 1–16
  • 36. Yizhou Gong, Fanglai Zhu, and Yang Wang*#, Robust Output Regulation of Uncertain Nonlinear Minimum Phase Systems Perturbed by Unknown External Disturbances, European Journal of Control, 2024, Volume 77
  • 37. Fanglai Zhu*, Jiancheng Zhang, Shenghui Guo, Yang Wang, Andrea Serrani#, Joint unknown input observer for descriptor system based on interval observer, ISA Transactions, 2024,
  • 38. Xiaozhu Lin, Xiaopei Liu and Yang Wang*#, Learning Agile Swimming: An End-to-End Approach Without CPGs, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Feb. 2025, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 1992-1999
  • 39. Mingyue Wang, Siyuan An, Zhenghuan Sun, Jiaqi Li, Yang Wang and Song Liu*#, Selective, Robust, and Precision Manipulation of Particles in Complex Environments With Ultrasonic Phased Transducer Array and Microscope, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2025, vol. 41, pp. 887-904
  • 40. Gilberto Pin, Yang Wang, Boli Chen, and Thomas Parisini*#, Semi-Global Direct Estimation of Multiple Frequencies with an Adaptive Observer having Minimal Parameterization, 2015 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2015, pp. 3693-3698
  • 41. Yang Wang, Gilberto Pin, Andrea Serrani*, and Thomas Parisini#, Removing SPR-like Conditions in Adaptive Feedforward Control of Uncertain Systems, 2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2016, pp. 4728-4733
  • 42. Yang Wang, Boli Chen, Gilberto Pin, and Thomas Parisini*#, Estimation of a Damped Sinusoid: an Observer-based Approach, 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), July, 2017,
  • 43. Yang Wang, Gilberto Pin, Andrea Serrani*, and Thomas Parisini#, Switching-based Sinusoidal Disturbance Rejection for Uncertain Stable Linear Systems, 2018 Annual American Control Conference (ACC), 2018, pp. 4502-4507
  • 44. Yang Wang, Gilberto Pin, Andrea Serrani*, and Thomas Parisini#, Switching-based Rejection of an Unknown Harmonic Disturbance in Uncertain Stable Linear Systems under Measurement Noise, 2019 American Control Conference (ACC), 2019, pp. 3020-3025
  • 45. Yang Wang, Gilberto Pin, Andrea Serrani*, and Thomas Parisini#, Switching-based Regulation of Uncertain Stable Linear Systems Affected by an Unknown Harmonic Disturbance, World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), 2019, Volume 52, Issue 16
  • 46. Yang Wang, Gilberto Pin, Andrea Serrani*, and Thomas Parisini#, Switching-based Rejection of Multi-sinusoidal Disturbance in Uncertain Stable Linear Systems under Measurement Noise, 2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2019, pp. 6112-6117
  • 47. Gilberto Pin, Yang Wang, Andrea Serrani*, and Thomas Parisini#, Dynamic Certainty Equivalence Adaptive Control by Nonlinear Parameter Filtering, 2020 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2020, pp. 1454-1459
  • 48. .Gilberto Pin, Yang Wang, and Andrea Serrani*#, Direct-Adaptive Control of Relative-Degree-Two Systems with Certifiable Derivative Error Bound, 2022 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), 2022, pp. 634-639
  • 49. Gilberto Pin, Andrea Serrani, and Yang Wang*#, Parameter-dependent Input Normalization: Direct-Adaptive control with Uncertain Control Direction, 2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2022, pp. 2674-2680
  • 50. Yang Wang, Yizhou Gong, Gilberto Pin, Fanglai Zhu, Andrea Serrani*, and Thomas Parisini#, Unknown Input Observer-based Output Regulation for Uncertain Minimum Phase Linear Systems Affected by a Periodic Disturbance, 2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2022, pp. 2544-2551
  • 51. Xiaozhu Lin, Song Liu*, and Yang Wang*#, Dynamic Modeling of Robotic Fish considering Background Flow using Koopman Operators, 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2024, pp. 11843-11848
  • 52. Binglin He, Heng Zhang, Song Liu*, and Yang Wang*#, Data-Driven Modeling of Ground Effect For UAV Landing on a Vertical Oscillating Platform, 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2024, pp. 8169-8174
  • 53. Gilberto Pin, Yizhou Gong , Yang Wang* and Andrea Serrani#, A Novel Parameter-dependent Input Normalization-based Direct MRAC with Unknown Control Direction, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2025,
  • 54. Gilberto Pin, Yizhou Gong , Yang Wang* and Andrea Serrani#, Parameter Identification in Linear Error Equations: Guaranteeing Output Error Boundedness, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2025,
  • 55. Yizhou Gong, Chengyang Ji, Yang Wang*#, A Model-Free Active Noise Control for Periodic Disturbances: with Guaranteed Stability and Robustness, 2025 American Control Conference (ACC), 2025,
  • 56. Hongru Dai, Xiaozhu Lin, Yang Wang*#, Ambient Flow Perception of Freely Swimming Robotic Fish using an Artificial Lateral Line System, 2025 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2025,