博士毕业院校: 美国弗吉尼亚大学
电话: 021-20685596
办公室: 信息学院1D-401C室
研究方向: 雪崩光电二极管,高速光电探测芯片,III-V族半导体光子芯片,硅基集成激光器和探测器

陈佰乐现为上海科技大学信息科学与技术学院常任副教授(tenured)、研究员、博士生导师。他的研究团队专注于高性能半导体光电探测芯片和系统的开发,涵盖光通讯、太赫兹通讯、人工智能、计算机视觉、生物医疗成像、激光雷达、气体传感和量子精密测量等广泛领域。近年来,陈佰乐带领团队实现了超高速近红外探测器(3dB带宽>220GHz @1550nm,是国际上少数能实现200GHz带宽探测器的课题组之一)、高功率红外探测器(饱和光电流大于150mA)、高速850nm探测器(3dB带宽>46 GHz)、高速-高响应度中红外宽光谱探测器(3dB 带宽>12 GHz @3-5 µm)、III-V族单像素微型光谱仪和低噪声雪崩光电二极管等一系列III-V族半导体光电探测器,为高性能光电探测器的国产化攻坚作出了重要的贡献。


陈佰乐于中国科学技术大学近代物理系本科毕业,后分别在美国弗吉尼亚大学获得物理学硕士学位和电子工程博士学位。随后他加入位于美国俄勒冈的Qrovo (前身为Triquint Semiconductor)总部任射频产品研发工程师,从事射频芯片的研究。在工业界积累了多年经验后,他于20161月全职加入上海科技大学信息科学与技术学院,现为常任副教授(tenured)、研究员、博士生导师。20198月至201911月,他应邀在美国加州大学圣芭芭拉分校电子计算机工程系(John Bowers教授组)访问。他现为美国光学学会Optica旗下知名期刊Optics Express的副主编,同时担任Nature Photonics、Nature Communciations等20余个期刊的审稿人,也是IEEE Senior Member和中国光学工程学会高级会员。

截至目前,陈博士已发表期刊论文90余篇,其中60余篇以第一作者或通讯作者身份发表于Nature CommunicationsOpticaACS PhotonicsACS NanoIEEE Electron Device LettersOptics ExpressIEEE Journal of Lightwave TechnologyIEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum ElectronicsApplied Physics LettersOptics Letters等国际知名期刊,相关研究工作得到多家媒体的报道。陈佰乐主持科技部国家重点研发计划(光电子微电子专项2项),国家自然科学基金面上项目,上海市青年扬帆计划,以及多项中科院重点实验室项目。同时,陈佰乐还担任自然科学基金面上/青年、科技部青年拔尖人才计划、科技部领军人才计划、科技部重点研发计划等项目的函评和会评专家。此外,陈佰乐博士主要负责半导体器件物理和光电器件等本科生和研究生课程。




  • 雪崩光电二极管

  • 高速光电探测芯片

  • III-V族半导体光子芯片

  • 基集成激光器和探测器

  • 半导体器件基础(本科生)

  • 半导体器件物理(研究生)

  • 光电器件(研究生)


  • 上海科技大学信息科学与技术学院教学指导委员会成员,2016 -2017

  • 上海科技大学信息科学与技术学院招生委员会成员,2017 -2021

  • 上海科技大学信息科学与技术学院资源管理委员会成员,2017 -20182021-2023

  • 上海科技大学信息科学与技术学院EHS委员会副主任, 2021-2023


  • Optics Express 副主编 2023.09-至今

  • IEEE Access, 副主编 2019.03-2022.03

  • 电子科技学刊 执行编委

  • 功能材料与器件学报 编委

期刊文章(# 共同一作, * 通讯作者)

1.     Jingyi Wang, Beibei Pan, Zi Wang, Jiakai Zhang, Zhiqi Zhou, Lu Yao, Yanan Wu, Wuwei Ren, Jianyu Wang, Haiming Ji, Jingyi Yu*Baile Chen*, “Single-pixel p-graded-n junction spectrometers”, Nature Communications 15 (1), 1773, 2024

2.     Zhijian Shen, Jinshan Yao, Jian Huang, Zhecheng Dai, Luyu Wang, Fengyu Liu, Xinbo Zou, Bo Peng, Weimin Liu, Hong Lu*, Baile Chen*, High-Speed Mid-Wave Infrared Uni-Traveling Carrier Photodetector with Inductive Peaked Dewar Packaging”,Journal of Lightwave Technology 42 (5), 1504-1510, 2024

3.     Jingyi Wang, Huachen Ge, Yue Liao, Daqi Shen, Linze Li, Mengxin Zha, Tianyu Long, Qiushi Chen, Zhiyang Xie, Haiming Ji, Pengfei Tian*Baile Chen*, “InGaP/AlGaAs Near-UV and Visible Avalanche Photodiodes for Li-Fi Application”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 2024 Vol. 36 Issue 5 Pages 293-296

4.     W. Wang#, J. Yao#, L. Li, H. Ge, L. Wang, L. Zhu, Q. Chen, H. Lu*, and B. Chen*, “High-speed InAlAs digital alloy avalanche photodiode,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 123, no. 19, pp. 191102, 2023.

5.     L Zhu, H Ge, H Guo, L Chen, C Lin*, B Chen*, “Gain and Excess Noise in HgCdTe e-Avalanche Photodiodes at Various Temperatures and Wavelengths”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 70 (5), 2384-2388, 2023

6.     L Zhu, H Guo, Z Zhou, Z Xie, H Xie, L Chen, C Lin*, B Chen*, “Bandwidth Characterization and Optimization of High-Performance Mid-wavelength Infrared HgCdTe e-Avalanche Photodiodes”, Infrared Physics & Technology 131, 104682, 2023

7.     L Wang, Z Xie, B Pan, Z Zhou, L Li, X Zou, H Ji, B Chen* “High-Speed Photodetector with Simultaneous Electrical Power Generation” IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2023 Vol. 41 Issue 2 Pages 662-670

8.     L. Yao, W. Wang, J. Yao, K. Lu, H. Lu, C. Zheng, B Chen*, “Interband transitions of InAs/AlAs Short-Period superlattices grown by molecular beam epitaxy”, Journal of Crystal Growth 2023 Vol. 605 Pages 127071

9.     D. Guo, J. Huang, M. Benamara, Y. I. Mazur, Z. Deng, G. J. Salamo, H. Liu, B. Chen*, J. Wu*, “High operating temperature mid-infrared InGaAs/GaAs submonolayer quantum dot quantum cascade detectors on silicon”, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 2023 Vol. 59 Issue 2 Pages 1-1, Art. 2300106.

10.  J Huang, Z Dai, Z Shen, Z Wang, Z Zhou, Z Wang, B Peng, W Liu, B Chen*“High-Speed Mid-Wave Infrared InAs/InAsSb Superlattice Uni-Traveling Carrier Photodetectors With Different Absorber Doping” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 69 (12), 6890-6896, 2022

11.  Baile Chen*, Equivalent circuit model of the RF characteristics of multi-stage infrared photodetectors. Journal of Lightwave Technology 2022 Vol. 40 Issue 15 Pages 5224-5230

12.  Zongti Wang, Jian Huang, Liqi Zhu, Zhiqi Zhou, Xuyi Zhao, Antian Du, Wenfu Yu, Ruotao Liu, Qian Gong, Baile Chen*, “High-performance InP-based bias-tunable near-infrared /extended-short wave infrared dual-band photodetectors”, Journal of Lightwave Technology 2022 Vol. 40 Issue 5 Pages 5157-5162

13.  Zhiqi Zhou, Liqi Zhu, Zhiyang Xie, Baile Chen*,“Monte Carlo Simulation of High-Speed MWIR HgCdTe e-APD”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 69 Issue 7 Pages 3753-3760, 2022

14.  Linze Li#, Rui Pan#, Zhiyang Xie, Yao Lu, Jiaxiang Chen, Xinbo Zou, Ziyuan Yuan, Menglin Chang, Hong Lu*, and Baile Chen* “High-speed Ge-on-GaAs photodetector”Optics Express 2022, 30 (12), 20684-20696.

15.   Jiajun Yu, Yinan Zhao, Siqi Li, Jinshan Yao, Lu Yao, Jiqiang Ning, Yucheng Jiang, Hong Lu*, Baile Chen* , Changcheng Zheng*, “Carrier localization effect in the photoluminescence of In composition engineered InAlAs random alloy”, Journal of Luminescence (2022), Vol. 249 Pages 119009

16.  Jingyi Wang, Zhiyang Xie, Liqi Zhu, Xuyi Zhao, Wenfu Yu, Ruotao Liu, Antian Du, Qian Gong and Baile Chen*, “InP-based Broadband Photodetectors with InGaAs/GaAsSb Type-II Superlattice”, IEEE Electron Device Letters 2022, 43 (5), 757-760.

17.  Huang Jian, Shen Zhijian, Wang Zongti, Zhou Zhiqi, Wang Ziyu, Peng Bo, Liu Weimin, Chen Yiqiao, Baile Chen*, “High-speed Mid-wave Infrared Uni-traveling Carrier Photodetector Based on InAs/InAsSb Type-II Superlattice”, IEEE Electron Device Letters 2022, 43 (5), 745-748.

18.  Liqi Zhu , Huijun Guo, Zhuo Deng , Liao Yang, Jian Huang , Dan Yang, Zhiqi Zhou, Chuan Shen, Lu Chen, Chun Lin, and Baile Chen*, “Temperature-Dependent Characteristics of HgCdTe Mid-Wave Infrared E-Avalanche Photodiode”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 28(2), 1-7, 2022, DOI: 10.1109/JSTQE.2021.3121273

19.  Zhiyang Xie, Zhiqi Zhou, Linze Li, Zhuo Deng, Haiming Ji, Baile Chen*, “High-Speed 850 nm Photodetector for Zero-Bias Operation”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 28(2), 1-7, 2022, DOI: 10.1109/jstqe.2021.3095470 

20.  Zhenjie Song#, Zhiqi Zhou#, Jian Huang, Xinbo Zou, Chun Yang*Baile Chen*, “Analysis of AM-to-PM conversion in MUTC photodiodes based on an equivalent circuit model”, Optics Express, 29(21), 33582-33591, 2021 

21.  Wenyang Wang#, Jinshan Yao#, Jingyi Wang, Zhuo Deng, Zhiyang Xie, Jian Huang, Hong Lu*, Baile Chen*, “Characteristics of thin InAlAs digital alloy avalanche photodiodes”, Optics Letters, 46(16), 3841-3844, 2021

22.  Jinshan Yao, Rui Pan, Wenyang, Wang, Chen Li, Baile Chen*, Hong Lu*, Yan-Feng Chen, Large tunable bandgaps in the InAs/AlAs strain-compensated short-period superlattices grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Applied physics letters 118(25),252103 (2021)

23.  Zongheng Xie, Zhuo Deng, Jian Huang, Zhiyang Xie, Zhiqi Zhou Baile Chen*, InP-based extended-short wave infrared heterojunction phototransistor. Journal of Lightwave Technology 2021, 39 (14), 4814-4819

24.  Zhijian Shen#, Zhuo Deng#, Xuyi Zhao#, Jian Huang, Chunfang Cao, Xinbo Zou, Fengyu Liu, Qian Gong*, Baile Chen*, “Submonolayer quantum dot quantum cascade long-wave infrared photodetector grown on Ge substrate”, Applied Physics Letters 118(8), 081102 (2021)

25.  Baile Chen*, Yaojiang Chen, “Recent Advances in High Speed Photodetectors for eSWIR/MWIR/LWIR applications” (Invited Review, Editor’s Choice), Photonics, Vol. 8, No. 1, page 14, 2021

26.  Zhijian Shen#, Zhuo Deng#, Xuyi Zhao#, Jian Huang, Lu Yao, Xinbo Zou, Chunfang Cao, Qian Gong*, Baile Chen*, “Long-wave infrared sub-monolayer quantum dot quantum cascade photodetector”, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, 39(5), 1489-1496 (2021)

27.  Liqi Zhu#, Zhuo Deng#, Jian Huang, Huijun Guo, Lu Chen, Chun Lin*, Baile Chen*, “Low frequency noise-dark current correlations in HgCdTe infrared photodetectors”, Optics Express2020, 28(16), 23660-23669 (highlighted as an Editor's Pick)

28.  Zhiyang Xie, Jian Huang, Xuliang Chai, Zhuo Deng, Yaojiang Chen, Qi Lu, Zhicheng Xu, Jianxin Chen, Yi Zhou*, and Baile Chen*, “High-speed Mid-Wave Infrared Interband Cascade Photodetector at Room Temperature”, Optics Express, 2020, 28(24), 36915-36923

29.  Zongheng Xie, Zhuo Deng, Xinbo Zou, Baile Chen*, “InP based near infrared/extended-short wave infrared dual-band photodetector”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2020, 32(16), 1003-1006

30.  Jia-Feng Liu#, Ning-Tao Zhang#, Yan Teng, Xiu-Jun Hao, Yu Zhao, Ying Chen, He Zhu, Hong Zhu, Qi-Hua Wu, Xin Li, Baile Chen*, Yong Huang*, “Short-wavelength infrared InAs/GaSb superlattice hole avalanche photodiode”, Chinese Physics B, 2020, 29(11), 117301

31.  Yaojiang Chen, Zhiqi Zhou, Pingchuan Ma, Baile Chen*, “Nonlinear Characteristics of Uni-Traveling Carrier Photodiode with InGaAs/GaAsSb Type-II Multiple Quantum Wells Absorber”, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 38, Issue 17, Page 4867-4873, 2020.

32.  Jian Huang, Zhiyang Xie, Yaojiang Chen, John Bowers, Baile Chen*, “High Speed Mid-Wave Infrared Uni-traveling Carrier Photodetector”, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol. 56, Issue 4, Page 1-7, August, 2020

33.  Ningtao Zhang, Andrew Jones, Zhuo Deng, Baile Chen*”Defect characterization of AlInAsSb digital alloy avalanche photodetectors with low frequency noise spectroscopy”, Optics Express 2020, 28(8), 11682-11691

34.  Yating Wan, Yating Wan#, Zhiyang Xie, Jian Huang, Chen Shang, Justin Norman, Qiang Li, Yeyu Tong, Kei May Lau, Arthur C. Gossard, John E. Bowers, “Low dark current high gain InAs quantum dot avalanche photodetectors monolithically grown on Si”, ACS Photonics 2020 7(2), 528-533

36.  Liqi Zhu, Jian Huang, Zongheng Xie, Zhuo Deng, Lu Chen, Chun Lin, and Baile Chen*, “Low frequency noise spectroscopy characterization of HgCdTe infrared detectors”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, VOL. 67, NO. 2, 547-551, FEBRUARY 2020

37.  Y Chen,# X Chai,# Z Xie, Z Deng, N Zhang, Y Zhou,*  Z Xu, J Chen, B Chen,* High-Speed Mid-Infrared Interband Cascade Photodetector Based on InAs/GaAsSb Type-II Superlattice”, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, 38(4), 939-945, FEBRUARY 2020

38.  Yaojiang Chen, Zhiyang Xie, Jian Huang, Zhuo Deng, Baile Chen,* “High-speed uni-traveling carrier photodiode for 2 μm wavelength application”, Optica, 2019 6(7), 884-889

39.  Jian Huang#, Yating Wan#, Daehwan Jung, Justin Norman, Chen Shang, Qiang Li, Kei May Lau, Arthur C. Gossard, John E. Bowers, Baile Chen* “Defect Characterization of InAs/InGaAs Quantum Dot pin Photodetector Grown on GaAs-on-V-Grooved-Si Substrate”, ACS Photonics, 2019 6 (5), 1100-1105

40.  Zhuo Deng#,  Daqian Guo#,  Jian Huang, Huiyun Liu,  Jiang Wu, Baile Chen*,  Mid-wave infrared InAs/GaSb type-II superlattice photodetector with p-i-B-n design grown on GaAs substrate , IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 55(4), 1-52019

41.  Jian Huang, Baile Chen,* Zhuo Deng, Yi Gu, Yingjie Ma, Jian Zhang,  Xiren Chen, and Jun Shao,  Deep levels analysis in wavelength extended InGaAsBi photodetector, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 34 (2019) 095018 (7pp)

42.  Zhiyang Xie, Yaojiang Chen, Ningtao Zhang, and Baile Chen*, InGaAsP/InP Uni-Traveling-Carrier Photodiode at 1064-nm Wavelength, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 31 (16), 1331-1334, 2019

43.  Zhuo Deng#, Daqian Guo#, Claudia González Burguete, Jian Huang, Zongheng Xie, Huiyun Liu, Jiang Wu*, and Baile Chen*, Demonstration of Si based InAs/GaSb type-II superlattice p-i-n photodetector , Infrared Physics & Technology 101, 133-137, 2019

44.  Yaojiang Chen, Baile Chen*, Design of InP Based High Speed Photodiode for 2 μm Wavelength Application, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol 55, No 1, pp. 1-8, 2019

45.  Yaojiang Chen, Xuyi Zhao, Jian Huang, Zhuo Deng, Chunfang Cao, Qian Gong, Baile Chen*, “Dynamic model and bandwidth characterization of InGaAs/GaAsSb type-II quantum wells PIN photodiodes”, Optics Express, Vol. 26, Issue 26, pp. 35034-35045 (2018)

46.  Jian Huang#, Daqian Guo#, Zhuo Deng, Wei Chen, Huiyun Liu, Jiang Wu*, and Baile Chen*, “Mid-wave Infrared Quantum Dot Quantum Cascade Photodetector Monolithically Grown on Silicon Substrate”, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, VOL. 36, NO. 18, pp. 4033-4038, 2018

47.  Wei Chen#, Zhuo Deng#, Daqian Guo, Yaojiang Chen, Yuriy Mazur, Yurii Maidaniuk, Mourad Benamara, Gregory J Salamo, Huiyun Liu, Jiang Wu*, Baile Chen*, “Demonstration of InAs/InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Dots-in-a-well Mid-wave Infrared Photodetectors Grown on Silicon Substrate”, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol 36, No 12, pp. 2572-2581, 2018 

48.  Zhuo Deng, Baile Chen*, Xiren Chen, Jun Shao*, Qian Gong, Huiyun Liu, Jiang Wu*, “Optical properties of beryllium-doped GaSb epilayers grown on GaAs substrate”, Infrared Physics & Technology, Volume 90, Pages 115–121, 2018

49.  J Huang#, D Guo#, W Chen, Z Deng, Y Bai, T Wu, Y Chen, H Liu, J Wu*, Baile Chen*, Sub-monolayer quantum dot quantum cascade mid-infrared photodetector , Applied Physics Letters 111 (25), 251104, 2017

50.  Baile Chen*, “Optical gain analysis of GaAs-based InGaAs/GaAsSbBi type-II quantum wells lasers”, Optics Express Vol 25 (21), pp. 25183-25192, 2017

51.  Baile Chen*, “Active Region Design and Gain Characteristics of InP-Based Dilute Bismide Type-II Quantum Wells for Mid-IR Lasers,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 64, pp. 1606-1611, 2017.


  • 1. Jian Huang;Zhiyang Xie;Yaojiang Chen;John E. Bowers;Baile Chen;#, High Speed Mid-Wave Infrared Uni-Traveling Carrier Photodetector, IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, Aug 2020, 56(4):#VALUE!
  • 2. Chen, Baile;Chen, Yaojiang;Deng, Zhuo;#, Recent Advances in High Speed Photodetectors for eSWIR/MWIR/LWIR Applications, PHOTONICS, Jan 2021, 8(1):#VALUE!
  • 3. Chen, Yaojiang;Chen, Baile;#, High Speed and High Power Photodiode with 50 GHz Bandwidth, 2019 18TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS (ICOCN), Aug 2019, 1-3
  • 4. Chen, Wei;Deng, Zhuo;Guo, Daqian;Chen, Yaojiang;Mazur, Yuriy, I;Maidaniuk, Yurii;Benamara, Mourad;Salamo, Gregory J.;Liu, Huiyun;Wu, Jiang;Chen, Baile;#, Demonstration of InAs/InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Dots-in-a-Well Mid-Wave Infrared Photodetectors Grown on Silicon Substrate, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, Jul 2018, 36(13):2572-2581
  • 5. Chen, Yaojiang;Gong, Qian;Chen, Baile;#, Speed Characterization of InGaAs/GaAsSb Type-II Quantum Wells PIN Photodiodes, 2018 ASIA COMMUNICATIONS AND PHOTONICS CONFERENCE (ACP), 2018, 2018-October
  • 6. Guo, Daqian;Huang, Jian;Benamara, Mourad;Mazur, Yuriy I.;Deng, Zhuo;Salamo, Gregory J.;Liu, Huiyun;Chen, Baile;Wu, Jiang;#, High Operating Temperature Mid-Infrared InGaAs/GaAs Submonolayer Quantum Dot Quantum Cascade Detectors on Silicon, IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 01 Apr 2023, 59(2)
  • 7. Deng, Zhuo;Guo, Daqian;Huang, Jian;Liu, Huiyun;Wu, Jiang;Chen, Baile;#, Mid-Wave Infrared InAs/GaSb Type-II Superlattice Photodetector With n-B-p Design Grown on GaAs Substrate, IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, Aug 2019, 55(4)
  • 8. Huang, Jian;Chen, Baile;Deng, Zhuo;Gu, Yi;Ma, Yingjie;Zhang, Jian;Chen, Xiren;Shao, Jun;#, Deep levels analysis in wavelength extended InGaAsBi photodetector, SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Sep 2019, 34(9)
  • 9. Deng, Zhuo;Chen, Baile;Chen, Xiren;Shao, Jun;Gong, Qian;Liu, Huiyun;Wu, Jiang;#, Optical properties of beryllium-doped GaSb epilayers grown on GaAs substrate, INFRARED PHYSICS & TECHNOLOGY, May 2018, 90:115-121
  • 10. Huang, Jian;Chen, Baile;Deng, Zhuo;Gu, Yi;Ma, Yingjie;Zhang, Jian;Chen, Xiren;Shao, Jun;#, Characterization of Deep Levels in InP Based InGaAsBi Photodetector, 2019 IEEE PHOTONICS CONFERENCE (IPC), Sep 2019, 1-2
  • 11. Chen, Baile;#, Optical gain analysis of GaAs-based InGaAs/GaAsSbBi type-II quantum wells lasers, OPTICS EXPRESS, 16 Oct 2017, 25(21):25183-25192
  • 12. Chen, Yaojiang;Chen, Baile;#, Uni-Traveling Carrier Photodiode for High Speed and High Power Application, 2018 ASIA COMMUNICATIONS AND PHOTONICS CONFERENCE (ACP), 2018, 2018-October
  • 13. Wang, Luyu;Xie, Zhiyang;Pan, Beibei;Zhou, Zhiqi;Li, Linze;Zou, Xinbo;Ji, Haiming;Chen, Baile;#, High-Speed Photodetector With Simultaneous Electrical Power Generation, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 15 Jan 2023, 41(2):662-670
  • 14. Chen, Yaojiang;Zhao, Xuyi;Huang, Jian;Deng, Zhuo;Cao, Chunfang;Gong, Qian;Chen, Baile;#, Dynamic model and bandwidth characterization of InGaAs/GaAsSb type-II quantum wells PIN photodiodes, OPTICS EXPRESS, 24 Dec 2018, 26(26):35034-35045
  • 15. Linze Li;Luyu Wang;Baile Chen;#, High-speed Waveguide Modified Uni-Traveling Carrier Photodiodes with 130 GHz Bandwidth, 2023 OPTO-ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE, OECC 2023, 2023,
  • 16. Huang, Jian;Guo, Daqian;Deng, Zhuo;Chen, Wei;Liu, Huiyun;Wu, Jiang;Chen, Baile;#, Midwave Infrared Quantum Dot Quantum Cascade Photodetector Monolithically Grown on Silicon Substrate, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 15 Sep 2018, 36(18):4033-4038
  • 17. Huang, Jian;Guo, Daqian;Deng, Zhuo;Liu, Huiyun;Wu, Jiang;Chen, Baile;#, Mid-wave InAs/GaSb Superlattice PiBN Infrared Photodetector Grown on GaAs Substrate, 2018 ASIA COMMUNICATIONS AND PHOTONICS CONFERENCE (ACP), 2018, 2018-October
  • 18. Chen, Baile;#, Equivalent circuit model of the RF characteristics of multi-stage infrared photodetectors, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 01 Aug 2022, 40(15)
  • 19. Zhou, Zhiqi;Zhu, Liqi;Xie, Zhiyang;Chen, Baile;#, Monte Carlo Simulation of High-Speed MWIR HgCdTe e-APD, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, 01 Jul 2022,
  • 20. Chen, Yaojiang;Chen, Baile;#, Design of InP-Based High-Speed Photodiode for 2-mu m Wavelength Application, IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, Feb 2019, 55(1)
  • 21. Xie,Zhiyang;Zhou,Zhiqi;Li,Linze;Deng,Zhuo;Ji,Haiming;Chen,Baile;#, High-Speed 850 nm Photodetector for Zero-Bias Operation, IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, Apr 2022, 28(2)
  • 22. Huang, Jian;Guo, Daqian;Chen, Wei;Deng, Zhuo;Bai, Yinghao;Wu, Tinghui;Chen, Yaojiang;Liu, Huiyun;Wu, Jiang;Chen, Baile;#, Sub-monolayer quantum dot quantum cascade mid-infrared photodetector, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 18 Dec 2017, 111(25)
  • 23. Chen, Baile;#, Active Region Design and Gain Characteristics of InP-Based Dilute Bismide Type-II Quantum Wells for Mid-IR Lasers, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, Apr 2017, 64(4):1606-1611
  • 24. Zhang, Ningtao;Jones, Andrew H.;Deng, Zhuo;Chen, Baile;#, Defect characterization of AlInAsSb digital alloy avalanche photodetectors with low frequency noise spectroscopy, OPTICS EXPRESS, 13 Apr 2020, 28(8):11682-11691
  • 25. Zongheng Xie;Zhuo Deng;Jian Huang;Zhiyang Xie;Zhiqi Zhou;Baile Chen;#, InP-Based Extended-Short Wave Infrared Heterojunction Phototransistor, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 15 Jul 2021, 39(14):4814-4819
  • 26. Yao, Jinshan;Pan, Rui;Wang, Wenyang;Li, Chen;Chen, Baile;Lu, Hong;Chen, Yan-Feng;#, Large tunable bandgaps in the InAs/AlAs strain-compensated short-period superlattices grown by molecular beam epitaxy, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 21 Jun 2021, 118(25)
  • 27. Zhijian Shen;Jinshan Yao;Jian Huang;Zhecheng Dai;Luyu Wang;Fengyu Liu;Xinbo Zou;Bo Peng;Weimin Liu;Hong Lu;Baile Chen;#, High-Speed Mid-Wave Infrared Uni-Traveling Carrier Photodetector with Inductive Peaked Dewar Packaging, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 2023, PP(99)
  • 28. Zhu, Liqi;Ge, Huachen;Guo, Huijun;Chen, Lu;Lin, Chun;Chen, Baile;#, Gain and Excess Noise in HgCdTe e-Avalanche Photodiodes at Various Temperatures and Wavelengths, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, Mar 2023, 70(5):2384-2388
  • 29. Wan, Yating;Shang, Chen;Huang, Jian;Xie, Zhiyang;Jain, Aditya;Norman, Justin;Chen, Baile;Gossard, Arthur C.;Bowers, John E.;#, Low Dark Current 1.55 Micrometer InAs Quantum Dash Waveguide Photodiodes, ACS NANO, 24 Mar 2020, 14(3):3519-3527
  • 30. Chen, Yaojiang;Zhou, Zhiqi;Ma, Pingchuan;Chen, Baile;#, Nonlinear Characterization of Uni-Traveling Carrier Photodiode with InGaAs/GaAsSb Type-II Multiple Quantum Wells Absorber, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 2020, 38(17):4867-4873
  • 31. Baile Chen;Yating Wan;Zhiyang Xie;Jian Huang;Chen Shang;Justin Norman;Qiang Li;Kei May Lau;Arthur C. Gossard;John E. Bowers;#, Quantum Dot Avalanche Photodetector on Si Substrate, 2020 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO), 2020, 2020-May:#VALUE!
  • 32. Yaojiang Chen;Xuliang Chai;Zhiyang Xie;Zhuo Deng;Ningtao Zhang;Yi Zhou;Zhicheng Xu;Jianxin Chen;Baile Chen;#, Two-Stage Interband Cascade Infrared Photodetector Based on InAs/GaSb Type-II Superlattice for High Speed Mid-Wave Infrared Applications, 2019 ASIA COMMUNICATIONS AND PHOTONICS CONFERENCE (ACP), Nov 2019, 2019-November:1-2
  • 33. Wang, Wenyang;Yao, Jinshan;Wang, Jingyi;Deng, Zhuo;Xie, Zhiyang;Huang, Jian;Lu, Hong;Chen, Baile;#, Characteristics of thin InAlAs digital alloy avalanche photodiodes, OPTICS LETTERS, 15 Aug 2021, 46(16):3841-3844
  • 34. Xie, Zhiyang;Chen, Yaojiang;Zhang, Ningtao;Chen, Baile;#, InGaAsP/InP Uni-Traveling-Carrier Photodiode at 1064-nm Wavelength, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 15 Aug 2019, 31(16):1331-1334
  • 35. Chen, Wei;Deng, Zhuo;Huang, Jian;Chen, Baile;Liu, Huiyun;Wu, Jiang;#, Dark Current Analysis of Mid-Wave Quantum Dots-in-a-Well Photodetectors Monolithically Grown on Silicon Substrate, 2018 ASIA COMMUNICATIONS AND PHOTONICS CONFERENCE (ACP), 2018, 2018-October
  • 36. Liqi Zhu;Huijun Guo;Zhuo Deng;Liao Yang;Jian Huang;Dan Yang;Zhiqi Zhou;Chuan Shen;Lu Chen;Chun Lin;Baile Chen;#, Temperature-Dependent Characteristics of HgCdTe Mid-Wave Infrared E-Avalanche Photodiode, IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 2022, 28(2)
  • 37. Xu, Kaimin;Xiao, Xiongbin;Zhou, Wenjia;Jiang, Xianyuan;Wei, Qi;Chen, Hao;Deng, Zhuo;Huang, Jian;Chen, Baile;Ning, Zhijun;#, Inverted Si:PbS Colloidal Quantum Dot Heterojunction-Based Infrared Photodetector, ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, 01 Apr 2020, 12(13):15414-15421
  • 38. Liqi Zhu;Jian Huang;Zongheng Xie;Zhuo Deng;Lu Chen;Chun Lin;Baile Chen;#, Low-Frequency Noise Spectroscopy Characterization of HgCdTe Infrared Detectors, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, Feb 2020, PP(99):1-6
  • 39. Dai, Zhecheng;Huang, Jian;Chen, Baile;#, MWIR InAs/InAsSb type-II Superlattice Photodetector for High-Speed Operation, 2022 IEEE PHOTONICS CONFERENCE, IPC 2022 - PROCEEDINGS, 2022,
  • 40. Shen, Zhijian;Deng, Zhuo;Zhao, Xuyi;Huang, Jian;Cao, Chunfang;Zou, Xinbo;Liu, Fengyu;Gong, Qian;Chen, Baile;#, Submonolayer quantum dot quantum cascade long-wave infrared photodetector grown on Ge substrate, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 22 Feb 2021, 118(8):#VALUE!
  • 41. Zongheng Xie;Zhuo Deng;Baile Chen;#, InP based SWIR dual-band photodetector, 2020 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS PACIFIC RIM (CLEO-PR), 2020,
  • 42. Huang, Jian;Dai, Zhecheng;Shen, Zhijian;Wang, Zongti;Zhou, Zhiqi;Wang, Ziyu;Peng, Bo;Liu, Weimin;Chen, Baile;#, High-Speed Mid-Wave Infrared InAs/InAsSb Superlattice Uni-Traveling Carrier Photodetectors With Different Absorber Doping, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, Nov 2022, 1-7
  • 43. Yaojiang Chen;Zhiyang Xie;Baile Chen;#, 25 GHz Bandwidth High Speed Photodiode for Two-Micron Wavelength Application, 2019 IEEE PHOTONICS CONFERENCE (IPC), Sep 2019, 1-2
  • 44. Wang, Jingyi;Xie, Zhiyang;Zhu, Liqi;Zou, Xinbo;Zhao, Xuyi;Yu, Wenfu;Liu, Ruotao;Du, Antian;Gong, Qian;Chen, Baile;#, InP-Based Broadband Photodetectors With InGaAs/GaAsSb Type-II Superlattice, IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS, 01 May 2022, 43(5):757-760
  • 45. Wang, Zongti;Huang, Jian;Zhu, Liqi;Zhou, Zhiqi;Zhao, Xuyi;Du, Antian;Yu, Wenfu;Liu, Ruotao;Gong, Qian;Chen, Baile;#, High-performance InP-based bias-tunable near-infrared /extended-short wave infrared dual-band photodetectors, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 01 Aug 2022, 40(15)
  • 46. Zhu, Liqi;Deng, Zhuo;Huang, Jian;Guo, Huijun;Chen, Lu;Lin, Chun;Chen, Baile;#, Low frequency noise-dark current correlations in HgCdTe infrared photodetectors, OPTICS EXPRESS, 03 Aug 2020, 28(16):23660-23669
  • 47. Li, Xiuli;Peng, Linzhi;Liu, Zhi;Zhou, Zhiqi;Zheng, Jun;Xue, Chunlai;Zuo, Yuhua;Chen, Baile;Cheng, Buwen;#, 30 GHz GeSn photodetector on SOI substrate for 2 mu m wavelength application, PHOTONICS RESEARCH, Apr 2021, 9(4):494-500
  • 48. Chen, Baile;Wan, Yating;Xie, Zhiyang;Huang, Jian;Zhang, Ningtao;Shang, Chen;Norman, Justin;Li, Qiang;Yeyu, Tong;Lau, Kei May;Gossard, Arthur C.;Bowers, John E.;#, Low Dark Current High Gain InAs Quantum Dot Avalanche Photodiodes Monolithically Grown on Si, ACS PHOTONICS, Feb 2020, 7(2):528-533
  • 49. Wang, Luyu;Xie, Zhiyang;Zhou, Zhiqi;Chen, Baile;#, GaAs-Based Modified Uni-Traveling Carrier Photodetector for Simultaneous High-Speed Data Transmission and DC Electrical Power Generation, ASIA COMMUNICATIONS AND PHOTONICS CONFERENCE, ACP, 2022, 2022-November:1387-1389
  • 50. Song, Zhenjie;Zhou, Zhiqi;Huang, Jian;Zou, Xinbo;Yang, Chun;Chen, Baile;#, Analysis of AM-to-PM conversion in MUTC photodiodes based on an equivalent circuit model, OPTICS EXPRESS, 11 Oct 2021, 29(21):33582-33591
  • 51. Li, Linze;Pan, Rui;Xie, Zhiyang;Lu, Yao;Chen, Jiaxiang;Zou, Xinbo;Yuan, Ziyuan;Chang, Menglin;Lu, Hong;Chen, Baile;#, High-speed Ge-on-GaAs photodetector, OPTICS EXPRESS, 06 Jun 2022, 30(12)
  • 52. Xie, Zhiyang;Huang, Jian;Chai, Xuliang;Deng, Zhuo;Chen, Yaojiang;Lu, Qi;Xu, Zhicheng;Chen, Jianxin;Zhou, Yi;Chen, Baile;#, High-speed mid-wave infrared interband cascade photodetector at room temperature, OPTICS EXPRESS, 23 Nov 2020, 28(24):36915-36923
  • 53. Huang, Jian;Shen, Zhijian;Wang, Zongti;Zhou, Zhiqi;Wang, Ziyu;Peng, Bo;Liu, Weimin;Chen, Yiqiao;Chen, Baile;#, High-speed Mid-wave Infrared Uni-traveling Carrier Photodetector Based on InAs/InAsSb Type-II Superlattice, IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS, 01 May 2022, 43(5)
  • 54. Huang, Jian;Wan, Yating;Jung, Daehwan;Norman, Justin;Shang, Chen;Li, Qiang;May Lau, Kei;Gossard, Arthur C.;Bowers, John E.;Chen, Baile;#, Defect characterization of InAs/InGaAs quantum dot photodetector grown on GaAs-on-V-grooved-Si substrate, 2019 DEVICE RESEARCH CONFERENCE, DRC 2019, 2019, 2019-June:165-166
  • 55. Zongheng Xie;Zhuo Deng;Xinbo Zou;Baile Chen;#, InP-Based Near Infrared/Extended-Short Wave Infrared Dual-Band Photodetector, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 2020, 32(16):1003-1006
  • 56. Tianyu Long;Zhiyang Xie;Linze Li;Luyu Wang;Xinbo Zou;Haiming Ji;Juanjuan Lu;Baile Chen;#, High-Speed 46-GHz 850 nm Photodetector with Inductive Peaking, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 2023, PP(99)
  • 57. Xie, Zhiyang;Chen, Yaojiang;Chen, Baile;#, High-speed uni-travelling carrier photodiode at 1064nm wavelength, 2019 COMPOUND SEMICONDUCTOR WEEK, CSW 2019, 2019,
  • 58. Huang, Jian;Wan, Yating;Jung, Daehwan;Norman, Justin;Shang, Chen;Li, Qiang;Lau, Kei May;Gossard, Arthur C.;Bowers, John E.;Chen, Baile;#, Defect Characterization of InAs/InGaAs Quantum Dot p-i-n Photodetector Grown on GaAs-on-V-Grooved-Si Substrate, ACS PHOTONICS, May 2019, 6(5):1100-1105
  • 59. Zhiyang Xie;Zhiqi Zhou;Linze Li;Haiming Ji;Baile Chen;#, High-speed partial-depleted-absorber photodiode based on GaAs/AlGaAs at 850nm wavelength, OPTICS INFOBASE CONFERENCE PAPERS, 24 Oct 2020,
  • 60. Yao, Lu;Wang, Wenyang;Yao, Jinshan;Lu, Kechao;Lu, Hong;Zheng, Changcheng;Chen, Baile;#, Interband transitions of InAs/AlAs Short-Period superlattices grown by molecular beam epitaxy, JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH, 01 Mar 2023, 605
  • 61. Zhijian Shen;Zhuo Deng;Xuyi Zhao;Jian Huang;Lu Yao;Xinbo Zou;Chunfang Cao;Qian Gong;Baile Chen;#, Long-Wave Infrared Sub-Monolayer Quantum dot Quantum Cascade Photodetector, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 01 Mar 2021, 39(5):1489-1496
  • 62. Xiujun Hao;Yan Teng;Yu Zhao;Qihua Wu;Xin Li;Jiafeng Liu;Ying Chen;He Zhu;Baile Chen;Zhuo Deng;Jian Huang;Yong Huang;Hui Yang;#, Demonstration of a dual-band InAs/GaSb type-II superlattice infrared detector based on a single heterojunction diode, IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, Apr 2020, PP(99):1
  • 63. Deng, Zhuo;Guo, Daqian;Burguete, Claudia Gonzalez;Xie, Zongheng;Huang, Jian;Liu, Huiyun;Wu, Jiang;Chen, Baile;#, Demonstration of Si based InAs/GaSb type-II superlattice p-i-n photodetector, INFRARED PHYSICS & TECHNOLOGY, Sep 2019, 101:133-137
  • 64. Yaojiang Chen;Xuliang Chai;Zhiyang Xie;Zhuo Deng;Ningtao Zhang;Yi Zhou;Zhicheng Xu;Jianxin Chen;Baile Chen;#, High-Speed Mid-Infrared Interband Cascade Photodetector Based on InAs/GaAsSb Type-II Superlattice, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 15 Feb 2020, PP(99):1
  • 65. Chen, Yaojiang;Xie, Zhiyang;Huang, Jian;Deng, Zhuo;Chen, Baile;#, High-speed uni-traveling carrier photodiode for 2 mu m wavelength application, OPTICA, 20 Jul 2019, 6(7):884-889
  • 66. Wang, Wenyang;Yao, Jinshan;Li, Linze;Ge, Huachen;Wang, Luyu;Zhu, Liqi;Chen, Qiushi;Lu, Hong;Chen, Baile;#, High-speed InAlAs digital alloy avalanche photodiode, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 06 Nov 2023, 123(19)