博士毕业院校: 美国亚利桑那大学
电话: 021-20685264
办公室: 信息学院3-436
专业方向: 电子科学与技术
研究方向: • 微波、毫米波、超声波生物医学成像• 癌症热疗,脑机接口,神经调控,手术导航• 电磁波与声波调控,超构表面• 基于深度学习的成像算法• 物理神经网络






王雄教授发表Laser & Photonics Reviews,Nanophotonics,IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering,IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques,IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation等期刊论文80余篇,发表IEEE APS、IMS等会议论文50余篇。他担任IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF, and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology期刊的Associate Editor,长期受邀担任多个领域内顶级期刊和多个国内外学术会议的审稿专家。















2019 ICMMT会议最佳学生论文奖(王保胜)

2019 ICMMT会议最佳学生论文提名奖(张大钧)

2019 IMBioC会议最佳学生论文提名奖(李嘉年)

2018 IMBioC会议最佳学生论文提名奖(张大钧)







  • 姓名:奚梓钧
  • 姓名:王璇钰
  • 姓名:叶珂
  • 姓名:沈著
  • 姓名:章泽昊
  • 姓名:刘昊阳
  • 姓名:张正枰
  • 姓名:赵云啸
  • 姓名:赵思敏
  • 姓名:姜维超
  • 姓名:王琦智
  • 姓名:王一峰
  • 姓名:刘昊文
  • 姓名:何美漫
  • 姓名:褚同欢
















  1. Shuobo Wang, Rensheng Xie, Yijie Shen, Jianjun Gao, Xiong Wang, Zhengping Zhang, Jishan Ren, Weiren Zhu, and Guohua Zhai, “Single-substrate circularly polarized Huygens’ metasurface with independent modulation of electric and magnetic impedances,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, in press.

  2. Zhen Gu, Rensheng Xie, Yifeng Wang, Zhengping Zhang, Xiong Wang, Hualiang Zhang, Jianjun Gao, Liming Si, and Jun Ding, “Advanced physical layer metasurface-empowered cryptography with robustness, high capacity, and enhanced security,” Laser & Photonics Reviews, in press.

  3. Yang Shen, Kejian Chen, Xiaofen Zeng, Qian Wang, Yifeng Wang, Yifan Zhu, Xiong Wang, Zheqi Zhou, and Songlin Zhuang, “Optically transparent dualband microwave chiral metamaterial based on ITO strips,” Optics Express, in press.

  4. Zehao Zhang, Dantong Liu, Yunxiao Zhao, Hongjia Liu, Guoqiang Liu, Xufeng Kou, and Xiong Wang, “Transcranial blood vessel imaging through intact cynomolgus monkey skulls applying microwave-induced thermoacoustic tomography based on a physics-informed neural network,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, in press.

  5. Yuanqing Huang, Zhengping Zhang, Xiong Wang, Chong He, and Weiren Zhu, “Chirality-assisted spin-decoupled metasurface implemented by simple geometrical rotation,” Advanced Materials Technologies, in press.

  6. Liansheng Wang, Zhengping Zhang, Haoyang Shi, Xueyong Ding, Yuan Wang, Xiong Wang, and Weiren Zhu, “Optically Transparent Flexible Metamaterial for Ultrabroadband Millimeter-Wave Absorption,” ACS Applied Optical Materials, vol. 2, no. 12, pp. 2568−2574, 2024.

  7. Yazhou Shi, Zhen Gu, Xiong Wang, Haoyang Liu, Rensheng Xie, and Jun Ding, “Dual-band complex-amplitude metasurface empowered high security cryptography with ultra-massive encodable patterns,” Nanophotonics, in press.

  8. Dantong Liu, Zehao Zhang, Yifeng Wang, Yunxiao Zhao, Qizhi Wang, Yuanming Shi, Pingqiang Zhou, and Xiong Wang, “Deep-learning-based transcranial quantitative microwave-induced thermoacoustic tomography for dual reconstruction of dielectric and acoustic properties,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, in press.

  9. Faizan Faraz, Yuanqing Huang, Zhengping Zhang, Xiangming Wu, Guoping Chu, Taufeeq Ur Rehman Abbasi, Xiong Wang, Liming Si, and Weiren Zhu, “Multi-fold geometric phase metasurface with versatile operations for transmission and reflection,” Materials & Design, in press.

  10. Zhen Gu, Haoyang Liu, Zhengping Zhang, Xiong Wang, Hualiang Zhang, Jianjun Gao, Liming Si, and Jun Ding, “Multi-wavelength metasurface empowered cryptography for heightened security and improved fidelity,” Laser & Photonics Reviews, vol. 18, no. 10, pp. 2301014-1−2301014-9, 2024.

  11. Xuanyu Wang, Zijun Xi, Ke Ye, Zheng Gong, Yifan Chen, and Xiong Wang, “Improvement of phased antenna array applied in focused microwave breast hyperthermia,” Sensors, vol. 24, no. 9, pp. 2682-1−2682-16, 2024.

  12. Lejia Zhang, Qizhi Wang, Simin Zhao, Dantong Liu, Chenzhe Li, Baosheng Wang, and Xiong Wang, “Deep-learning-based microwave-induced thermoacoustic tomography applying realistic properties of ultrasound transducer,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 72, no. 10, pp. 5983−5993, Oct. 2024.

  13. Shilong Zhu, Luanfeng Gao, Yulu Hu, Xiong Wang, Shuai Ding, Haiying Yuan, and Bin Li, “A Zoom microwave metalens with mechanical rotation,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 1819−1823, Jun. 2024.

  14. Zijun Xi, Jiaqi Feng, Ke Ye, Dantong Liu, Xuanyu Wang, Xiaoqiang Wang, and Xiong Wang, “A Preclinical system prototype and experimental validation of focused microwave brain hyperthermia,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, in press.

  15. Xu Han, Shuai Ding, Qing Song Jia, Wei Hao Zhang, Hao Tang, Qiaoli Zhang, Zhaojun Zhu, Yuliang Zhou, Zhengping Zhang, Xiong Wang, Yong Mao Huang, and Bing-Zhong Wang, “A Versatile design method applied to reconfigurable metasurfaces,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 135, no. 8, pp. 083303-1−083303-9, Feb. 2024.

  16. Faizan Faraz, Zhengping Zhang, Yuanqing Huang, Hifza Fraz, Taufeeq Ur Rehman Abbasi, Xiong Wang, and Weiren Zhu, “Bi-Layer reflection-transmission dual-mode metasurface with flexible bandwidth control,” Advanced Optical Materials, vol. 12, no. 12, pp. 2302608-12302608-9, 2024.

  17. Zhenfei Li, Zhengping Zhang, Xiangming Wu, Kun Song, Shilong Zhai, Yahong Liu, Jing Lou, Xiong Wang, Xiaopeng Zhao, and Weiren Zhu, “Chiral meta-coder for spin switchable electromagnetic camouflage and information authentication,” Laser & Photonics Reviews, pp. 2301084-12301084-11, 2024.

  18. Xiang Wang, Yazhou Shi, Zhen Gu, Xiong Wang, Haoyang Liu, Rensheng Xie, and Jun Ding, “Dual‑band high‑efficiency transmissive single substrate layer metasurface with complex‑amplitude modulations,” Plasmonics, 2023.

  19. Lu Yang, Kejian Chen, Zhengping Zhang, Yuhang Wei, Yang Shen, Xiong Wang, and Songlin Zhuang, “Optically transparent, ultra-broadband, and water-based microwave meta-absorber with ITO metasurfaces,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol. 15, pp. 54098−54104, 2023.

  20. Linda Shao, Zhengping Zhang, Xiong Wang, Chong He, Liming Si, Ivan D. Rukhlenko, and Weiren Zhu, “Graphene-based ultralow-profile microwave Fresnel lens,” Carbon, vol. 217, pp. 118599-1−118599-7, 2024.

  21. Xiangming Wu, Zhenfei Li, Zhengping Zhang, Xiong Wang, Liming Si, and Weiren Zhu, “Mechanically reconfigurable folded reflectarray antenna for variable near-field focusing,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,vol. 71, no. 12, pp. 10038−10043, Dec. 2023.

  22. Zijun Xi, Xuanyu Wang, Ke Ye, and Xiong Wang, “Performance evaluation of focused microwave brain hyperthermia guided by microwave-induced thermoacoustic tomography,” IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 383391, Dec. 2023. (Front cover)

  23. Xu Han, Shuai Ding, Qing-Song Jia, Wei-Hao Zhang, Hao Tang, Yuliang Zhou, Zhengping Zhang, Xiong Wang, Yong-Mao Huang, and Bing-Zhong Wang, “Limit values acquisition in field control problems using information based time reversal technique,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,vol. 71, no. 9, pp. 7694−7699, Sep. 2023.

  24. Zhengping Zhang, Dajun Zhang, and Xiong Wang, “Generation of broadband non-diffraction millimeter-wave Airy beams based on high-efficiency tri-layer metasurfaces,” AIP Advances, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 065126-1−065126-11, 2013.

  25. Faizan Faraz, Yuanqing Huang, Haoyang Liu, Taufeeq Ur Rehman Abbasi, Xiong Wang, Liming Si, and Weiren Zhu, “High-efficiency dual-band metasurface with independent multifold geometric phases,” Advanced Optical Materials, vol. 11, no. 17, pp. 2300347-1−2300347-8, 2023.

  26. Shuobo Wang, Guohua Zhai, Yicong Chen, Jianjun Gao, Yongjin Zhou, Xiong Wang, Zhengping Zhang, and Jishan Ren, “Compact dual-band independently modulated Huygens’ metasurface for full-space EM wave manipulation,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 71, no. 12, pp. 5160−5170, Dec. 2023.

  27. Zhengping Zhang and Xiong Wang, “Broadband orbital angular momentum beam generation based on polarization-insensitive reflect array,” AIP Advances, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 055218-1−055218-8, 2013.

  28. Qingyuan Zhang, Jingwen Wang, Rensheng Xie, Zhen Gu, Zhengping Zhang, Xiong Wang, Hualiang Zhang, Chang Chen, Weidong Chen, Jun Ding, and Xiang Zhang, “Four-channel joint-polarization-frequency-multiplexing encryption meta-hologram based on dual-band polarization multiplexing meta-atoms,” Optics Express, vol. 31, no. 11, pp. 17569−17579, 2023.

  29. Yiwei Wang, Lejia Zhang, Baosheng Wang, Junxiang Cai, Yuandong (Alex) Gu, Liang Lou, Xiong Wang, and Tao Wu, “Microwave-induced thermoacoustic imaging with a multi-cell AlScN piezoelectric micromachined ultrasonic transducer,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 122, no. 13, pp. 133702-1− 133702-4, Mar. 2023.

  30. Baosheng Wang, Xiaojuan Zhang, Lejia Zhang, Chenzhe Li, Tao Wu, and Xiong Wang, “Investigation of transducer distribution in compressive thermoacoustic tomography for breast cancer detection,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 788−797, Jan. 2024.

  31. Xu Han, Shuai Ding, Qing-Song Jia, Wei-Hao Zhang, Hao Tang, Zhengping Zhang, Xiong Wang, Yuliang Zhou, Yong-Mao Huang, and Bing-Zhong Wang, “Control of time-reversal aperture by high-precision phase modulated and dual-polarized metasurface,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 71, no. 6, pp. 5446−5451, Jun. 2023.

  32. Chenzhe Li, Zijun Xi, Gaofei Jin, Weichao Jiang, Baosheng Wang, Xiran Cai, and Xiong Wang, “Deep-learning-enabled microwave-induced thermoacoustic tomography based on ResAttU-Net for transcranial brain hemorrhage detection,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 70, no. 8, pp. 2350−2361, Aug. 2023.

  33. Zhaoxu Luo, Chenzhe Li, Dantong Liu, Baosheng Wang, Lejia Zhang, Yuexin Ma, Kuiwen Xu, and Xiong Wang, “Quantitative reconstruction of dielectric properties based on deep-learning-enabled microwave-induced thermoacoustic tomography,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 71, no. 6, pp. 2652−2663, Jun. 2023.

  34. Rensheng Xie, Xudong Bai, Ji Liu, Xiong Wang, Yinuo Zheng, Zhen Gu, Hualiang Zhang, Chengbin Jing, Jun Ding, and Junhao Chu, “Dual-channel geometric meta-holograms with complex-amplitude modulation based on bi-spectral single-substrate-layer meta-atoms,” Optics Express, vol. 30, no. 24, pp. 42850−42860, 2022.

  35. Hao Tang, Shuai Ding, Zhaojun Zhu, Xiong Wang, Zhengping Zhang, “Generation of multiple non-diffracting beams based on transmission metasurface in microwave-frequency region,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 208−212, 2023.

  36. Faizan Faraz, Zhenfei Li, Zhengping Zhang, Taufeeq Rehman, Xiong Wang, Ivan Rukhlenko, and Weiren Zhu, “High-efficiency geometric phase metasurface with multifold rotationally symmetric resonators,” ACS Applied Optical Materials, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 173−178, 2023.

  37. Zhenfei Li, Jin Zhang, Ji Liu, Longhai Liu, Xiong Wang, Malin Premaratne, Jianquan Yao, and Weiren Zhu, “Independent manipulation of aperture and radiation fields in a transmission-reflection integrated complex-amplitude metasurface,” Advanced Materials Technologies, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 2201192-1−2201192-12, 2023.

  38. Linda Shao, Zhenfei Li, Zhengping Zhang, Xiong Wang, and Weiren Zhu, “Multi-channel metasurface for versatile wavefront and polarization manipulation,” Advanced Materials Technologies, vol. 7, no. 12, pp. 2200524-1−2200524-8, 2022.

  39. Jurui Qi, Ji Liu, Jin Yao, Wenman Hu, Dajun Zhang, and Xiong Wang, “Generation of complicated millimeter-wave beams based on a wideband high-transmission polarization-independent complex-amplitude metasurface,” Optics Express, vol. 30, no. 19, pp. 34188−34200, 2022.

  40. Zhenfei Li, Xianghong Kong, Jin Zhang, Lindao Shao, Dajun Zhang, Ji Liu, Xiong Wang, Weiren Zhu, and Cheng-Wei Qiu, “Cryptography metasurface for one-time-pad encryption and massive data storage,” Laser & Photonics Reviews, vol. 16, no. 8, pp. 2200113-1−2200113-9, 2022.

  41. Zhenfei Li, Jurui Qi, Wenman Hu, Ji Liu, Jin Zhang, Linda Shao, Chiben Zhang, Xiong Wang, Ronghong Jin, and Weiren Zhu, “Dispersion-assisted dual-phase hybrid meta-mirror for dual-band independent amplitude and phase controls,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 70, no. 8, pp. 7316−7321, Aug. 2022.

  42. Ji Liu, Jurui Qi, Jin Yao, Wenman Hu, Dajun Zhang, He-Xiu Xu, and Xiong Wang, “Balanced-ternary-inspired reconfigurable vortex beams using cascaded metasurfaces,” Nanophotonics, vol. 11, no. 10, pp. 2369−2379, 2022.

  43. Zhenfei Li, Ji Liu, Jin Zhang, Linda Shao, Chiben Zhang, Xiong Wang, Ronghong Jin, and Weiren Zhu, “Shaping electromagnetic fields with irregular metasurface,” Advanced Materials Technologies, vol. 7, no. 9, pp. 2200035-1−2200035-8, 2022.

  44. Jiale Zhang, Chenzhe Li, Weichao Jiang, Zhicheng Wang, Lejia Zhang, and Xiong Wang, “Deep-learning-enabled microwave-induced thermoacoustic tomography based on sparse data for breast cancer detection,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 70, no. 8, pp. 6336−6348, Aug. 2022.

  45. Rensheng Xie, Zhen Gu, Dajun Zhang, Xiong Wang, Hualiang Zhang, Chengbin Jing, Jun Ding, and Junhao Chu, “High-efficiency full-space complex-amplitude metasurfaces enabled by a bi-spectral single-substrate-layer meta-atom,” Advanced Optical Materials, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 2102084-1−2102084-8, 2022.

  46. Linda Shao, Dajun Zhang, Ji Liu, Jin Zhang, Zhenfei Li, Xiong Wang, and Weiren Zhu, “Single-layer non-interleaved metasurface for arbitrary vector beam conversion in triple bands,” ACS Applied Electronic Materials, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 443−451, 2022.

  47. Rensheng Xie, Xin Fang, Dajun Zhang, Xiong Wang, Ke Chen, Sensong An, Bowen Zheng, Hualiang Zhang, Yijun Feng, and Jun Ding, “Four-channel kaleidoscopic metasurfaces enabled by a single-layered single-cell quad-band meta-atom,” Advanced Theory and Simulations, vol, 5, no. 3, 2022.

  48. Rensheng Xie, Dajun Zhang, Xiong Wang, Sensong An, Bowen Zheng, Hualiang Zhang, Guohua Zhai, Lin Li, and Jun Ding, “Multichannel high-efficiency metasurfaces based on tri-band single-cell meta-atoms with independent complex-amplitude modulations,” Advanced Photonics Research, vol. 2, no. 10, pp. 2100088-1−2100088-9, 2021.

  49. Dajun Zhang, Ji Liu, Jin Yao, Zhengping Zhang, Beng Chen, Zhansong Lin, Juncheng Cao, and Xiong Wang, “Enhanced sub-Terahertz microscopy based on broadband Airy beam,” Advanced Materials Technologies, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 2100985-1−2100985-9, 2022.

  50. Yifei Sun, Chenzhe Li, Baosheng Wang, and Xiong Wang, “A low-cost compressive thermoacoustic tomography system for hot and cold foreign bodies detection,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 21, no. 20, pp. 23588−23596, Oct. 2021.

  51. Baosheng Wang, Yifei Sun, Chenzhe Li, Zhicheng Wang, Lejia Zhang, and Xiong Wang, “2-D noninvasive temperature measurement of biological samples based on compressive thermoacoustic tomography,” IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 371−378, Dec. 2021.

  52. Qian Song, Zhicheng Wang, Baosheng Wang, Lejia Zhang, and Xiong Wang, “Multiple back projection with impact factor algorithm based on circular scanning for microwave-induced thermoacoustic tomography,” IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 182−188, Jun. 2022.

  53. Zhenfei Li, Dajun Zhang, Linda Shao, Ji Liu, Xiong Wang, Jin Zhang, Ronghong Jin, and Weiren Zhu, “Polarization-assisted visual secret sharing encryption in metasurface hologram,” Advanced Photonics Research, vol. 2, no. 11, pp. 2100175-12100175-9, 2021.

  54. Zhenfei Li, Dajun Zhang, Linda Shao, Ji Liu, Xiong Wang, Jin Zhang, Ronghong Jin, and Weiren Zhu, “Three-dimensional manipulation of dual-helical electromagnetic wavefronts with a non-interleaved single layer metasurface,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 70, no. 1, pp. 378−388, Jan. 2022.

  55. Yan Chen, Kejian Chen, Dajun Zhang, Shihao Li, Yeli Xu, Xiong Wang, and Songlin Zhuang, “Ultra-broadband microwave absorber based on 3D water microchannel,” Photonics Research, vol. 9, no. 7, pp. 13911396, 2021.

  56. Baosheng Wang, Naping Xiong, Yifei Sun, Lejia Zhang, Chenzhe Li, Jianian Li, Zhicheng Wang, Ziling Chen, Yifeng Zhang, and Xiong Wang, “Microwave-induced thermoacoustic imaging of small animals applying scanning orthogonal polarization excitation,” IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF, and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 123130, Mar. 2022.

  57. Zhansong Lin, Xiaotian Pan, Zhicheng Wang, Dajun Zhang, Chaofeng Ye, Shenheng Xu, Fan Yang, and Xiong Wang, “Characterization of orbital angular momentum applying single-sensor compressive imaging based on a microwave spatial wave modulator,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 69, no. 10, pp. 6870−6880, Oct. 2021.

  58. Jianian Li, Baosheng Wang, Dajun Zhang, Chenzhe Li, Yihui Zhu, Yi Zou, Baile Chen, Tao Wu, and Xiong Wang, “A preclinical system prototype for focused microwave breast hyperthermia guided by compressive thermoacoustic tomography,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 68, no. 7, pp. 2289−2300, Jul. 2021. (Front cover and featured article)

  59. Hafiz Saad Khaliq, Muhammad Rizwan Akram, Kashif Riaz, Muhammad Afnan Ansari, Jehan Akbar, Jin Zhang, Weiren Zhu, Dajun Zhang, Xiong Wang, Muhammad Zubair, and Muhammad Qasim Mehmood, “Single-layered meta-reflectarray for polarization retention and spin-encrypted phase-encoding,” Optics Express, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 3230−3242, 2021.

  60. Ying Li, Lijin Xu, Jun Yang, Guangsheng Deng, Zhiping Yin, Xiangxiang Li, and Xiong Wang, “TM-polarized angle-dispersive metasurface for axisymmetric extension of beam steering angles,” Optics Express, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 3211−3220, 2021.

  61. Rensheng Xie, Minbo Xin, Shiguo Chen, Dajun Zhang, Xiong Wang, Guohua Zhai, Jianjun Gao, Sensong An, Bowen Zheng, Hualiang Zhang, and Jun Ding, “Frequency-multiplexed complex-amplitude meta-devices based on bispectral 2-bit coding meta-atoms,” Advanced Optical Materials, vol. 8, no. 24, p. 2000919, Oct. 2020.

  62. Shihao Li, Kejian Chen, Dajun Zhang, Yan Chen, Yeli Xu, Ji Liu, Xiong Wang, and Songlin Zhuang, “Reconfigurable metamaterial for chirality switching and selective intensity modulation,” Optics Express, vol. 28, no. 23, pp. 34804−34811, 2020.

  63. Ying Li, Jun Yang, Zhiping Yin, Guangsheng Deng, Weien Lai, Xiong Wang, Dajun Zhang, and Qi Zhu, “Angle-dispersive metasurface for axisymmetric wavefront manipulation over continuous incident angles,” Physical Review Applied, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 031001-1−031001-6, 2020.

  64. Rensheng Xie, Guohua Zhai, Jianjun Gao, Dajun Zhang, Xiong Wang, Sensong An, Bowen Zheng, Hualiang Zhang, and Jun Ding, “Multifunctional geometric metasurfaces based on tri‐spectral meta-atoms with completely independent phase modulations at three wavelengths,” Advanced Theory and Simulations, vol. 3. no. 9, 2020.

  65. Mingbo Xin, Rensheng Xie, Guohua Zhai, Jianjun Gao, Dajun Zhang, Xiong Wang, Sensong An, Bowen Zheng, Hualiang Zhang, and Jun Ding, “Full control of dual-band vortex beams using a high-efficiency single-layer bi-spectral 2-bit coding metasurface,” Optics Express, vol. 28, no. 12, pp. 17374−17383, 2020.

  66. Dajun Zhang, Zhansong Lin, Ji Liu, Jiale Zhang, Zhengping Zhang, Zhang-Cheng Hao, and Xiong Wang, “Broadband high-efficiency multiple vortex beams generated by an interleaved geometric-phase multifunctional metasurface,” Optical Materials Express, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 1531−1544, 2020.

  67. Zhansong Lin, Zhongling Ba, and Xiong Wang, “Broadband high-efficiency electromagnetic orbital angular momentum beam generation based on a dielectric metasurface,” IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 1−11, 2020.

  68. Xiaofan Zhang, Dajun Zhang, Yanjun Fu, Shihao Li, Yao Wei, Kejian Chen, Xiong Wang, and Songlin Zhuang, “3D printed swastika shape ultra-broadband water-based microwave absorber,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 821−825, 2020.

  69. Baosheng Wang, Yifei Sun, Zhicheng Wang, and Xiong Wang, “Three-dimensional microwave-induced thermoacoustic imaging based on compressive sensing using an analytically constructed dictionary,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 377−386, Jan. 2020.

  70. Lifan Xu and Xiong Wang, “Focused microwave breast hyperthermia monitored by thermoacoustic imaging: A computational feasibility study applying realistic breast phantoms,” IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF, and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 81−88, Jun. 2020.

  71. Rensheng Xie, Guohua Zhai, Xiong Wang, Dajun Zhang, Liming Si, Hualiang Zhang, and Jun Ding, “High-efficiency ultrathin dual-wavelength Pancharatnam-Berry metasurfaces with complete independent phase control,” Advanced Optical Materials, 1900594, 2019. (co-first author)

  72. Xiong Wang, Tao Qin, Yexian Qin, Ahmed H. Abdelrahman, Russell S. Witte, and Hao Xin, “Microwave-induced thermoacoustic imaging for embedded explosives detection in high-water content medium”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 67, no. 7, pp. 4803−4810, Jul. 2019.

  73. Dajun Zhang, Baosheng Wang, and Xiong Wang, “Enhanced and modulated microwave-induced thermoacoustic imaging by ferromagnetic resonance,” Applied Physics Express, vol. 12, no. 7, pp. 077001-1−077001-5, Jun. 2019.

  74. Baosheng Wang, Yifei Sun, Chenzhe Li, and Xiong Wang, “Time-efficient thermoacoustic imaging with high resolution for a large sample: A simulation study”, in Proceedings of International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology ICMMT 2019. (Best Student Paper Award)

  75. Dajun Zhang, Beng Chen, Zhongling Ba, Juncheng Cao, and Xiong Wang, “Generation of broadband quasi-Bessel beams in sub-THz regime and applications in imaging”, in Proceedings of International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology ICMMT 2019. (Best Student Paper Finalist)

  76. Jianian Li, Lifan Xu, and Xiong Wang, “A computational study on number of elements in antenna array for focused microwave breast hyperthermia,” 2019 IEEE International Microwave Biomedical Conference (IMBioC), Nanjing, China, May 6−8, 2019. (Best Student Paper Finalist)

  77. Fan Bi, Zhongling Ba, and Xiong Wang, “Meta surface-based broadband orbital angular momentum generator in millimeter      wave region”, Optics Expresses, vol. 26, no. 20, pp. 25693−25705, September 2018.

  78. Dajun Zhang and Xiong Wang, “Feasibility study of applying ferromagnetic contrast agents in thermoacoustic imaging,” 2018 IEEE International Microwave Biomedical Conference (IMBioC), Philadelphia, PA, Jun. 14−15, 2018. (Best Student Paper Finalist)

  79. Jitao Zhang, Mingguang Tuo, Min Liang, Xiong Wang, and Hao Xin, “Contribution assessment of antenna structures and in-gap photocurrent in terahertz radiation of photoconductive antenna,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 124, no. 5, pp. 053107-1−053107-9, Aug. 2018.

  80. Xiong Wang, Tao Qin, Yexian Qin, Russell S. Witte, and Hao Xin, “Microwave-induced thermoacoustic communications”, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 65, no. 9, pp. 3369−3378, Sep. 2017.

  81. Xiong Wang, Russell S. Witte, and Hao Xin, “Thermoacoustic and photoacoustic characterization of few-layer graphene by pulsed excitations”, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 108, no. 14, pp. 143104-1−143104-5, Apr. 2016.

  82. Xiong Wang, Tao Qin, Russell S. Witte, and Hao Xin, “Computational feasibility study of contrast-enhanced thermoacoustic imaging for breast cancer detection using realistic numerical breast phantoms”, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 63, no. 5, pp. 1489−1501, May 2015.

  83. Tao Qin, Xiong Wang, Yexian Qin, Pier Ingram, Guobin Wan, Russell S. Witte, and Hao Xin, “Experimental validation of a numerical model for thermoacoustic imaging applications”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 14, pp. 1235−1238, 2015.

  84. Tao Qin, Xiong Wang, Yexian Qin, Guobin Wan, Russell S. Witte, and Hao Xin, “Quality improvement of thermoacoustic imaging based on compressive sensing”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 14, pp. 1200−1203, 2015.

  85. Xiong Wang, Daniel R. Bauer, Jeff L. Vollin, David G. Manzi, Russell S. Witte, and Hao Xin, “Impact of microwave pulses on thermoacoustic imaging applications”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 11, pp. 1634−1637, Nov. 2012.

  86. Xiong Wang, Daniel R. Bauer, Russell S. Witte, and Hao Xin, “Microwave-induced thermoacoustic imaging model for potential breast cancer detection”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 59, no. 10, pp. 2782−2791, Oct. 2012.

  87. Daniel R. Bauer, Xiong Wang, Jeff L. Vollin, Hao Xin, and Russell S. Witte, “Spectroscopic thermoacoustic imaging of water and fat composition”, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 101, no. 3, pp. 033705-1−033705-4, Jul. 2012.