Dr. Wenhan Cao is an Assistant Professor in the School of Information Science and Technology at ShanghaiTech University. In 2015, he received his Bachelor’s degree from the School of Information Science and Technology at Fudan University, Shanghai, China. He then obtained his Master’s and PhD degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Boston University, Massachusetts, USA in 2018 and 2020 respectively, advised by Prof. Keith A. Brown. In 2021, Dr. Cao joined ShanghaiTech University as a tenure-track Assistant Professor. His research interests include stretchable electronics, soft robotics, terahertz metasurfaces, hierarchical micro-/nano- sensors and transducers, as well as their applications in biomedical engineering.
Name:Xinyi ZhouPosition:Graduate StudentDuration:Email:
Name:Jiangtao TianPosition:Graduate StudentDuration:Email:
Name:Zirui HanPosition:Graduate StudentDuration:Email:
Name:Zhaoyang YuPosition:Undergraduate StudentDuration:Email:
EE229 Stretchable Electronics
EE2211 Microelectronic Devices