公元2805年,人类文明高度发展,却因污染和生活垃圾大量增加使得地球不再适于人类居住。地球人被迫乘坐飞船离开故乡,进行一次漫长无边的宇宙之旅。临行前他们委托Buynlarge的公司对地球垃圾进行清理,该公司开发了名为WALL·E(Waste Allocation Load Lifters – Earth 地球废品分装员)的机器人担当此重任……
在上科大Sören Schwertfeger教授的办公室,我们看到了从电影中走出来的机器人瓦力,让我们跟随它的脚步,一同走进信息学院自动化与机器人中心的MARS实验室,探寻机器人的奥秘。

Sören Schwertfeger(师泽仁)
上科大信息学院副教授、STAR中心联合主任、自主移动机器人(MARS Lab)实验室负责人
•Mobile Robotics(移动机器人)
•Mobile Manipulation(移动操控)
•Mapping, Map Representation and Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)(地图绘制、地图表示以及即时定位与地图构建 (SLAM))
•Robot Autonomy and Artificial Intelligence(机器人自动化和人工智能)
办公室:SIST 1D-201.A
实验室:SIST 1D-203

Chapter 1——PAST►
A:Well, I am a nerd, so I have always loved technology, computers, space and science fiction. That’s also why I chose to study computer science. For the last two years of my degree in Germany we had to take part in a big group project. With several of my classmates I chose to do a robotics project – which I loved to do. So naturally, when I decided to pursue a PhD it was also in the robotics field. There are several cool things about robotics research. For one, it is something where also the general public can easily understand what the goal of the research is – even though they most often vastly underestimate the technical challenges of robotics. Furthermore, I really do believe that robotics will be one of the most important industries. I think at some point in the future every household will own at least one general purpose mobile robot – as will lots of companies. In so far, I am convinced that the future robotics industry will be bigger than the car industry today.

A:I am a computer scientist doing research on algorithms and software for robotics and AI. I love robotics and we have a number of nice robotic systems in my lab. I am interested to have robots perform tasks autonomously, and most of my research is geared towards this goal. Some of my students work on more theoretical aspects of robotics, computer vision and AI, but mostly our work is geared towards cool robotic demos that may actually be useful.
One project I am quite excited about is our ShanghaiTech Mapping Robot. This robot has a sensor-suite never before seen on a mobile robot – in terms of number of sensors and the amount of data collected. Those datasets will be invaluable for research on robotic perception! We have been working on this for several years and now it is finally close to be finished!
A:There are still several challenges in robotics, from battery technologies, improved sensors (size, data quality, ruggedness, etc.), motors and motor control to software engineering, perception and AI. Luckily there is good progress in all of these areas, also because other industries like car manufacturers or smartphone companies are spending billions on R&D for batteries, motors, sensors, computation and algorithms.
One of the most challenging problems is, that currently all robots are basically very stupid. They might fail on problems that a 2-year-old child may easily solve – especially if they encounter a situation that was not foreseen by the programmer of the robot. This is also where recently one of the most exciting developments for robotics happened. With the rise of Large Language Models like ChatGPT, we have the hope that there will be AI systems with general intelligence soon. There is now lots of research on utilizing such systems to make robots truly smart and thus truly capable.


Q1: 对于想要在这几个领域深入研究与探索的同学,您认为哪些课程的学习、技术技能、实践经历是需要大家学习或者掌握的?
A:Robotics is a very interdisciplinary field. We need excellent electrical engineers, mechanical and mechatronics engineers, software developers as well as algorithm and AI researchers. Recently, the STAR Center has hired several new faculties and in SIST we now cover most of the above-mentioned areas. So, it almost doesn’t matter what your technical background is – there is still plenty of research to be done in all areas of robotics. In general, researchers should be good team players, have creative ideas, strong self-motivation and perseverance to work through all difficulties to achieve your goals.
机器人学是一个非常跨学科的领域。我们需要优秀的电气工程师、机械和机电一体化工程师、软件开发人员以及算法和人工智能研究人员。最近,STAR中心聘请了几位新的教职员工,在SIST,我们现在涵盖了上述大部分领域。所以,你的技术背景几乎不重要 - 在机器人学的所有领域还有大量的研究工作要做。总的来说,研究人员应该是良好的团队合作者,具有创造性的想法,强烈的自我动力和毅力,以克服所有困难,实现你的目标。
A:It’s very difficult to know beforehand which students/ researchers will be excellent. There are two main approaches: 1) extrapolate from the past and 2) trying to judge the students’ skills, knowledge, talents and personality from the material and interviews.
Looking at their grades and performance in projects or competitions is a good way to see how the students did in the past. Interviews are also very important. Every professor likes intelligent, knowledgeable, hardworking students that work well in a team but can also finish a project by themselves. Personally I believe that students should be self-motivated to do research, so I usually do not push them a lot – instead I hope that we will find a research topic that they are excited in.
