PI, Assistant professor, the director of Smart Medical Information Research Center (SMIRC).
Dr. Rui Zheng received her bachelor and master degree of engineering from Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University and her PhD degree in Physics and Biomedical engineering from University of Alberta, Canada. She was a postdoctoral fellow in Laboratory of Mechanics and Acoustics–CNRS, France, and a research associate in Department of surgery, University of Alberta and Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital, Alberta Health Services, Canada. In March of 2018, she joined in the School of Information Science and Technology in ShanghaiTech University as a tenure track assistant professor, PI. Her research interests are biomedical ultrasound image and signal processing, medical ultrasound imaging and diagnosis based on deep learning, multi-modality ultrasound imaging algorithm and application, AI medical 3D ultrasound imaging, development of portable ultrasound imaging system, etc.