The Development of Group Signatures and Its Related Primitives

Release Time:2022-11-09Number of visits:3509

Speaker:    Yanhong Xu, Shanghai Jiaotong University

Time:         14:00-15:00 , Nov .10

Location:   SIST 1A 200

Host:          Liangfeng Zhang


Group signature is a privacy preserving primitive that allows a set of users to sign messages on behalf of a group and at same time keeps the users anonymous. In case of dispute, however, there is an opening authority who can open suspicious signatures and identify the signer, thus forcing accountability of the group members.In this talk, we will introduce what this primitive is, and a generic way to realize it. Next, we will present a lattice-based instantiation of this protocol and briefly explain why this is secure. After, we would like to show variants and development of group signatures, including the most recent work about multi-modal private signatures by Nguyen et al. at Crypto 2022. We then conclude the talk with some possible problems. 


Dr Yanhong Xu is currently a research assistant professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. She obtained her PhD from Nanyang Technological University at 2019 and had two year postdoc experience at University of Calgary. Her research interests include privacy-preserving protocols from post-quantum assumptions, in particular lattice-based group signatures.