Wireless V2X Technologies

Release Time:2022-09-26Number of visits:3259

Speaker:       Udaya K. Madawala, The University Of Auckland

Time:            10:00-11:00am  Sept.30.2022

Host:            Minfan Fu

Loction:          SIST 1C 101, https://live.bilibili.com/24610662



Electric vehicles (EVs) are gaining global acceptance as the means of future transport for sustainable living. However, EVs can also be used as an energy storage in vehicle-to-home (V2H), vehicle-togrid(V2G), vehicle-to-building (V2B) and vehicle-to-load (V2L) systems, which are referred to as V2X applications. For V2X applications, EVs essentially require a bi-directional power interface either with the electricity network (grid) or home to allow for both storing (charging) and retrieval (discharging) of energy. This can be achieved by both wired and wireless means, but the latter, based primarily on Inductive Power Transfer (IPT) technology, is becoming more popular being convenient, safe, and ideal for both stationary and dynamic charging of EVs. The seminar discusses the challenges and future directions of V2X technologies, and presents the latest advances in bidirectional wireless power transfer (BD-WPT) technology developed for V2X applications.



Udaya K. Madawala graduated with a B.Sc. (Electrical Engineering) (Hons) degree from The University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka in 1987, and received his PhD (Power Electronics) from The University of Auckland, New Zealand in 1993 as a Commonwealth Doctoral Scholar. At the completion of his PhD, he was employed by Fisher & Paykel Ltd, New Zealand, as a Research and Development Engineer to develop new technologies for motor drives. In 1997 he joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of Auckland and, at present as a Full Professor, he leads a large group of researchers focusing on a number of power electronics projects that are related to energy and wireless EV charging and V2X applications. Udaya is a Fellow of the IEEE and was a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Power Electronic Society (PELS), and has over 30 years of both industry and research experience in the fields of power electronics and energy. He has served both the IEEE Power Electronics and Industrial Electronics Societies in numerous roles, relating to editorial, advisory, conference, technical committees and chapter activities. Udaya was a member of the Administrative Committee of the IEEE Power Electronics Society and was also Chair of the Southern Power Electronics Conference (SPEC) Steering Committee. Udaya, who has over 300 journal and conference publications, holds several patents related to wireless power transfer (WPT) and power converters, and is a consultant to industry.