Monitoring and Verification for Autonomous Vehicles

Release Time:2021-01-06Number of visits:147

Speaker:     Xin Qin

Time:          15:00-16.00 Jan 7

Location:    SIST 1C 101

Host:            SIST


Recent decades have witnessed significant investment in ensuring safety for autonomous systems. It is hard to foresee all corner-cases for such complex systems at design time. Formal verification of such systems, containing non-trivial continuous subsystems, remains challenging.

In this talk, the speaker would like to introduce some latest research outcomes in monitoring and verifying cyber-physical systems (CPS), where the autonomous vehicle is one of the applications. The talk will address challenges and present proposed solutions for monitoring autonomous systems behaviors, including expressing safety properties and designing corresponding monitoring algorithms. The talk will then introduce adaptive and statistical verification of the system, according to system behaviors.

The speaker would also shortly introduce the state of art testing techniques for autonomous systems proposed by various groups, including the research group the speaker is in.


Xin Qin received her bachelor's degree in Computer Science from ShanghaiTech University in 2018. She is pursuing her Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Southern California, LA, US.

Her research interests are in cyber-physical systems, formal methods, time-series data analysis, automated testing.

生涯讲堂 202101