Digital Society of Trust

Release Time:2019-06-10Number of visits:111

Speaker:    Dr. Mika Klemettinen

Time:        15:00-16:00, June 24

Location:    SIST 1C-502

Host:       Prof. Boris Houska


In Finland, technologies want to be used for the benefit of citizens, society and businesses. Telecommunication networks and smart energy networks with an overlay middleware layer for a new digital critical infrastructure that is needed at all times  24/7/365  for the functioning society and competitive businesses. All the actors need to be able to trust on the availability and correct functioning of the critical digital infrastructure, since there are no analogue fallback mechanisms any more. The presentation paints a picture of the actions that have been and are taking place in Finland and Europe related to connectivity, artificial intelligence, ethics, data and platforms economy, including examples on governmental operations, industrial application and innovation openings.


Mika is a Digitalization Director at Business Finland with responsibilities covering 5G/6G, Industrial Internet, Artificial Intelligence, Platforms Economy, Digital Trust, New Space Economy and Smart Mobility programs as well as digitalization strategy.

Mika holds a PhD degree in Data Mining and has more than 25 years of academic and industrial experience, e.g., from Nokia and EU collaboration as well as from wireless communications, IoT, Big Data, MyData, artificial intelligence, intelligent solutions, cyber security and global collaboration. Mika has been, e.g., a member of minister Lintiläs national artificial intelligence and digitalization steering group in Finland with the responsibility of facilitating the data and platform economy subgroup. Additionally, he was responsible for the Finnish governments national data policy preparation through running the artificial intelligence and data group.

SIST-Seminar 18171