Xufeng Kou is currently the assistant dean and PMICC Director of SIST.
Dr. Xufeng Kou received his BS degree (with honor) in Chu Kochen Honors College and Optical Engineering from Zhejiang University (2009). From 2009 to 2015, he received his MS and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), under the direction of Raytheon Chair Professor Kang L. Wang (IEEE Fellow). After finishing the post-doctoral training at UCLA (2015-2016), he joined ShanghaiTech University as a tenure-track assistant professor in the School of Information Science and Technology (SIST) in 2016. Since 2021, he has been promoted as the tenured associate professor and the assistant dean of SIST. Dr. Kou's main research areas include spintronics and cryogenic electronics. So far, Dr. Kou has published 3 book chapters, and co-authored 90+ peer-reviewed papers including Nature Electronics, Nature Materials, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Communications, Science Advances, Physical Review Letters, Advanced Materials, Nano Letters, Proceedings of the IEEE, IEEE-IEDM, and IEEE-EDL with more than 7000 citations (h-index of 36). He also holds several awards including the Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship (2012), Chinese Outstanding Student Abroad Scholarship (2013), Distinguished PhD Dissertation Award of UCLA (2015), Chinese 1000-Young-Talents Award (2016), Shanghai May 4th Youth Medal (2018), and Shanghai Science & Technology 35 Under 35 Award (2021).