SIST Assistant Professor Yuanming Shi has won the 2016 IEEE Signal Processing Society Young Author Best Paper Awards for the following noted paper! Congratulations to Professor Shi.
Yuanming Shi, Jun Zhang, Brendan O’Donoghue and Khaled B. Letaief, “Large-Scale Convex Optimization for Dense Wireless Cooperative Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 63, No. 18, September 2015. (
This paper is the first work published in the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing that provided a novel algorithmic paradigm for general large-scale convex optimization problems via matrix stuffing and operator splitting. This new framework enjoys both the capability of infeasibility detection and the ability to scale to large problem sizes with parallel computing. The prize is only presented to the author(s) who are under 30 years of age and is judged based on the basis of general quality, originality, subject matter, and timeliness by the IEEE Signal Processing Society.
The award will be presented to Prof. Yuanming Shi and Dr. Brendan O’Donoghue at the premier IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) in New Orleans, USA in March 2017. Professor Shi is one of the few authors in mainland area who received the awards and this is the second time for Yuanming Shi to get the international awards. (For the news of the 2016 IEEE Marconi Prize Paper Award, please see the