President and guest visit the 3D imaging lab housed at SIST

On May 26th, Deputy director of Shanghai Museum Dr.Hu Jiang and President Jiang Mianheng, accompanied by Professor Ma Yi,executive dean of SIST, visited the 3D Imaging Lab housed at SIST.

Prof. YuJingyi demonstrated a novel 3D imaging system to the visitors and gave anin-depth presentation on its acquisition, data transmission and display modules.Of particular interest is the portable camera array that enables naked-eye 3D viewing.All visitors were impressed by the demonstration. After that, the two partieshave further discussed potential collaborations on applying the 3D imagingsystem for a broad range of applications at Shanghai Museum. President JiangMianheng pointed out that, integrating research and real-life application iscentral to the mission of ShanghaiTech and SIST. He hopes that discussionstoday will lead to concrete collaboration between ShanghaiTech and ShanghaiMuseum in the near future.